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Some lily tuffies


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Got an invite to fish from some private property this morning and as I always look forward to fish areas I cant normaly access how could I refuse. Started off with a nice fighting tough bass on the first cast. As I was fishing in amongst weed and lilies you did not have time to dilly dally with these tough brutes as they would do you in a heartbeat. I was casting into about 23ft of water using beetlespins, I would let it sink down as far as I required then slow retrieve back to the weeds, the fish were smashing the lure half way in, then you had the problem of getting them through the weed jungle. Here is a few pics of these lily tuffies, what they lack in size they make up for in fight.


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I did Norm and when the wind drops a bit I am going to try them out thanks mate. Had your favourite togar half way in the other day when he decided to do a flip and that was the end of that. I,ll have to find a exercise to strengthen the wrists so I can get that fly out further.

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