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NPD 4/12/2011 with Boys


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Hi - Decided with the wind dropping yesterday to see if we could fill the fridge with some redclaw tails. Well it was a late start but that has not effected the catch before. Dropped the pots in downstream in a number of depths to try and find the Redclaw. Put the lines in while we waited and had a hot little bite on the Tandanus before the dam Turtles moved in and shut it down.

Checked the pots with not much in them. went back to fishing again with another hot bite with some more tandaus caught and Declan hooking up to a solid Tilapia going 37cm. Declan dropped two fish that he simply could not stop so I am thinking Lung fish. Checked the pots with only a few more redclaw with the deeper ones doing better. Will probably leave the Redclawing for another month.

End of the day

18 Tandunus

1 Tilapia

25 Redclaw








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