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Interesting stuff in the torchlight


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Sorry no photos as got a new phone and discovered it takes crap shots.

Hit up around barra corner last week with fishingnut only to get a few tarpon so went down last night with the missus to see if there was any interesting GT action happenning under the lights. It turned out to be tarpon fest 2011 and called a move after re-rigging my tarpon shredded leader for about the 10th time. So we got some green prawns from Wollies to see if bream are around down the road from our house in summer. Turns out they are not, as we just got a little jack, a catfish, and two biteoffs from sharks or something. But we had a great time with the torch spotting heaps of pairs of pink eyes smashing into the mullet in the shallows. Anyway my missus was off having a fat time spotting old pink eye (barra) and a little croc that was hanging around, when I happened to notice a rather large lump surface about 4 metres in front of me. So I called the missus over "hey there's a big croc over here", sure enough, the torch revealed a 4 metre lizard sussing us out right next to where we were fishing. Reported this one to the rangers today as he showed no shyness of us and lots of kids fish around there. Hmmmm my local is feeling a bit scary now.

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The spot is an old bridge about 1 metre above the waterline so its a safe platform. Its just concerning at the banks on either side as kids throw their castnets etc there.


As for the tarpon, the numbers in trinity inlet are like tailor in SEQ, and I'm sure a lot of guys get sick of tailor too. I've actually stopped fishing for a bit in disgust as all I seem to be able to catch lately are closed season barra and tarpon. I try and chase fingermark and all I get are barra and try and chase GT's and all I get are tarpon. Hence me trying for bream without success.

Looking forward to barra season to open so I can throw some surface lures at those night time pink eyes down the street.

Funny how the last couple of years both croc and barra numbers have exploded, must be related. So easy to bag out on barra now but don't see why you would want to take more than one fish anyway.

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