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My first Flathead:)


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I just finished work for the year today and thought i can go fish locally around the city before i went home. had some stinky dead prawns and it was barely 5 mins of fishing and something smashed my line. it was a dead weight until 2m to shore the flatty fought back with force and my Steez started to scream. not long after, i lip grip the flatty and soaked up the feeling of my first flathead :woohoo: . measuring 66cm, i say thats the best first catch of this species:)



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Fluke of the century!! :lol::lol:

Love the hat Hai! Well done on your first flatty and what a stonker it is!

hahaha i was waiting for someone to say something about the hat :pinch: sun safety is key when fishing. i put on a good show for the girls having a picnic near by... think the hat isnt a date lure hahaha more like a repellent for the opposite sex

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I read the thread title and thought someone had been in a fight and come off second best :lol:

Ripper fish especially for a first. :woohoo: (...do you think it was the Steez lol)

steez did all the work. not me... i admit it :( hahaha thanks ellicat. i tend to lose battles with fish. i had a catfish bait the size of my fist on a 86lb wire trace bitten off later on the session. something big in the brisbane river...

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Congrats again Hai, that is a great first flattie

thanks ant. we'll t off a session in this poo water soonish. just dont catch a thready before i do :angry: hahaha i watched 2 mates catch it before i did :blink:

Can't promise anything buddy, threadie is on the list for my holidays :)

hahaha.... just try not to be tempted to rub it in when you do get one :whistle:

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