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NPD 17/7/13 and a question for Elops.


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Had a solo trip today due to decky pulling the pin.

At least i got a phone call.

Fishing was a bit slow with only one or 2 fish and then move for a couple more.

Ended up with 18 bass and one tandan .

The place seems to be infested with bait munching turtles.






Do fish recover from fin rot infections?

Is it contagious to other fish if so should I bin and destroy?



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Hi Ray

I reckon almost every second bass I have caught in either the North or South Pine rivers have those symptoms in either the dorsal or anal fins (from memory haven't seen it in the upper reaches or the Brissy around Harpeng Rd).

See the following from Wikipaedia:

Fin rot is a symptom of disease or the actual disease in fish. This is a disease which is most often observed in aquaria and aquaculture, but can also occur in natural populations.[1]

Fin rot can be the result of a bacterial infection (Pseudomonas fluorescens, which causes a ragged rotting of the fin), or as a fungal infection (which rots the fin more evenly and is more likely to produce a white 'edge'). Sometimes, both types of infection are seen together. Infection is commonly brought on by bad water conditions, injury, poor diet, or as a secondary infection in a fish which is already stressed by other disease.

Fin rot starts at the edge of the fins, and destroys more and more tissue until it reaches the fin base. If it does reach the fin base, the fish will never be able to regenerate the lost tissue. At this point, the disease may attack the fish's body directly.



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Would do nothing with that one healing nicely. Though Lance is on the ball a bit of Betadine on that exposed spine without disturbing the hematoma. May or may not lose the end of that spine. Bass are very hardy, post flood I am sure everyone has seen fish that have healed from some fairly extensive damage. The nice cool clean dam water now is a lot more conducive to healing than the water below some of the dams.

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Without moving the fish into a controlled environment for a few weeks medication there is not a lot you can do.

If you did want to try anything,your best option would be to cover the wounds in Betadine and then let the fish go.

Might get some to keep in the boat, make me feel good anyway ;)

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