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squid exchange


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hi guys, it had been a while since id been iut squid fishing so I jumped up sunday night when mark said he was going,

Headed out to a few land based.soots.not far from cleveland to hunt them.down.

Managed a nicr arrow pretty early on then nothing until we spotted a huge tiger sitting.next.to the rocks, dripped a jig in front of hin and bang he was on, man have I never seen a squid.go.mental lime this thi g. Priceeded to loose him.in.the rocks, dam!

after a change of spots I nabbed a nice tiger that would end up part of the exchange.

So last night camr aroud and i was thinking.i hadn

t soaked a big bait for a while so.a.call was made.to head out in the rain, didnt take long to swap tge sqyid head for this willing.fellah!!

Nearly spooled my bait runner!!


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