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Is it legal to fish in QLD state forests


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Hi Gents

I am wanting to do some freshwater creek fishing for bass when the open season rolls around again so I am doing my research. My question as the subject asks is - is it legal to fish in QLD state forests as I don't want to go trespassing on property owners land. Some of the creeks I have seen on Google maps either back on to or go through some state forests. Also how dose every one else deal with this delema, you hear a lot of stories of people catching bass in the skinny water but little about accessing it, I believe once upon a time their was a rule/law saying you could access any water course if you stayed with in 5/10 meters of the water, dose any one know if this rule still applies.



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Very grey area, if you enter water through public access area and stay in the water you are OK. Walking the bank the rules are a bit harder as the landowners have 2 types of deeds, one they own the land to the high water mark or top of bank and two thier property goes to the middle of the creek. Now not knowing which they have you have to be careful. It has never stopped me,they wont shoot you hopefully.


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Fishing in State Parks is fine.

As for other waterways,most are governed by Crown Lands and the river beds are public waters up to the mean high water mark.

Some old property leases and some property ownerships do go to the centre of the river bed but these are few and far between these days.

Many/most farmers will try to bluff you out of there but the majority of the time they have no right to make you leave unless you accessed the waterway across their private property.

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