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Cabbage tree Creek upper reaches.


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I have always gone past cabbage tree creek at some part of the creek where ever I go. Curiosity has struck me, is there any fish in this little creek where it runs through through the suburbs, the upper reaches. if you have any info I would love to know because it is a cool little creek at times with all the features that fish enjoy.

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I grew up at the Deagon reaches of Cabbage Tree Creek and know it back to front. There are three bridges that span Cabbage Tree at the lower end, these three mark your inter-brackish zone. Anything above the bridge on Handford road is freshwater, below it, around the Deagon arterial, and you're brackish, and by the time you reach the bridge on Sandgate road you're in salt.

In the years and years of fishing, I never caught a decent fish above the Sandgate Road bridge. The last deep section is at the southern end of Utalong Street, and from then on in it's shallow and shaley with no cover for fish to hide. Eels thrive up here and into the freshwater reaches. I used to chase freshwater prawns, in yabby traps, above the Handford road bridge. Depending on the size of the tides, high tides can still push up this far, but if you want to chase fish prepare for dozens of eels. I've caught small eel tailed catfish (Hyrtl's Catfish, not Tandanus) in the pool below the Roghan road bridge and several TIlpia in the drain that runs up into Taigum, but apart from that not much else.

At this time of year, up until Easter, expect plenty of rain to flush whatever's up the top down into the salt.

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