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which channel to use?


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So I have a marine radio. I have only used it once to keep in contact with Wayne on the water. This is the main reason I got it to keep in contact with other blokes and talk fishy stuff ('found some longtail at peel' etc etc) as I don't do a lot of offshore stuff, plus it is nice to have 'just in case' for bay fishing. 

I tried keeping in contact with someone else targeting tuna in the bay last weekend and used channel 69, but his channel didn't work. I didn't want to play around with other channels because I don't know which ones I am allowed to use for non safety reasons. 

I can't find anything on the net about it. Does anyone know what channels are for leisure purposes?


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I usually run mine on scan every half hour or so, see who is around and talking. Sometimes I manage nothing, other days, especially during billfish season you can get a running report up and down the coast. But in saying that I rarely transmit unless I know someone is out and on the channel. Generally I'm always within mobile range anyway.

16 and 67 are the safety channels, emergency only. 77 and 81 are okay to use as far as I'm aware, as is 21 and 82 from memory.

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