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New work bench for my shed


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Well, decided today was the day I was going to build my new work bench for the shed, as the missus was going out, ands I could make all the noise I liked, and use her car parking bay in the shed to do it :)

I had been squirelling away 2nd hand stuff for the build since before christmas, picking up 2nd hand steel from gumtree (ebay is so 2015). Had originally got a couple of cut off saw support / feed stands I was going to make in to a bench. But when I got an already folded sheet of steel for the bench top for the right price, I had the choice of cutting up the support stands or making it from scratch.

Having picked up some 75mm galvo RHS for the right price, I decided to build a frame from scratch. Besides which it let me play with all my new Christmas presents. New auto welding mask, oxy kit, leather armed flame proof jacket for welding in...... In hind site I was always gunna play with my toys........

Anyway, set everything up, then cut all the steel to length, left one welded foot that needed removing to use my oxy on. Managed to cut it off, but not having used one for 10 years or so, lets just say the grinder was needed to make it neat!

Anyway all went pretty well, Still have to brace the legs and work out how I am going to attach the vice, thinking of making a removable mount to keep the top of the bench clear for when not using the vice. Once I have figured that I will tack on the steel for the top and give it a coat of cold galv on the welds.

I set the front legs in from the front and the sides, I hate kicking my toes on the front legs of bench when I am working on stuff. The back legs in the back corners behind the back strut for the bench top as they also need to support the folded up back of the bench.

Only welded where I reckoned it needed welding, it is pretty solid steel, and didn't really need continuous welds around all the joins, also didn't want welds sitting proud on the ends or under the bench top.

Those cutoff stands were great for keeping everything at a nice height for welding and moving things around. I will definitely be keeping them as is for building projects in the future!

photo's of the process below.




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