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downscan vs sonar


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i know dsi costs a bit more I'm just wondering if there is a significant difference in quality and price I'm probably leaning towards sonar coz its cheap 

this is the one I'm thinking of any good http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Lowrance-Elite-3X-Fishfinder-/252025683152?hash=item3aade6bcd0:g:deEAAOSwPcVVo184

the hummingbird cheap option i don't really like as it is in black and white i think its called 165x piranhamax

and same with garmin echo 101 to gt in colour echo 301 c is 290 dollars

i know these are only sonar but i don't know much about the dsi except the show a bit better image and are dearer

im leaning to lowrance whats everyones thoughts

it will be fished in freshwater mainly and maybe the odd estuary don't want a big one as my boats small mainly to no depth and my main lak is shallow and weedy so to no the depth of the weed would be handy and to know if any patches are weed free and pick up structure like rocks and wood and i would like to see scholing and singular fish but that doesn't matter to much. 


thnx in advance


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Downscan is great when you are looking for structure- it generally does not show fish unless your on to a big school, and then not very well.

Picture of my lowrance screen attached - left side is standard view, right the downscan on top of a school of bass.

My Lowrance has a good image, but it shuts itself off randomly, and there are plenty of others reporting the same issue. I will be going hummingbird for my next unit.


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I think that the turn off problem is with the 5x elite series I know that Dino is on his fourth but it now is going ok.

that is a good price on the 3x and freak sports are a site sponsor and have good reputation.

The 3 x will do all you want to do . With experience you will learn how to differences in the results on the screen.Just be aware that the demo mode is totally different to what you will actually see on your screen

Wearing Polaroids and direct sunlight will impact on how easy is is to read your screen and I reckon that the garmin screens are better for this reason.  .

My personal choice would be a garmin but they are 40 bucks dearer.

For an unbiased opinion contact Youngy.



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