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The Seinfeld Report

Old Scaley

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Stop reading this right now if you are expecting an interesting read about 3 gun fishos and a successful fishing trip. This is the report about nothing which I am posting to meet @Drop Bear‘s blackmail request to post this topic before he will post a report on his offshore adventure yesterday.

Now that I have a bit more free time, I wanted to get together with Robbie to see how I could help with the oyster regeneration project and the upcoming fishing comp. What better way to do that than head out for a few hours on the water and toss around a few lures or soak a bait while we chatted. Robbie was keen so we decided on Wednesday. Robbie’s Mum insisted on a chaperone so I asked @ellicat to come along. As a site moderator Brian is obviously a very responsible and knowledgeable person so I knew we had the right crew.

We gathered at the POB ramp at the crack of 9am on an outgoing tide. Conditions were magnificent. The day started well with both Brian and I tripping into the boat. I managed to keep my feet but Brian’s entrance was much less elegant as he crashed head first into the esky. I am pretty sure Robbie was thinking “What have I got myself into here?” Bravely, he stepped gracefully on board and we were off. We had all the basics: fishing gear, hardbodies, backup bait and food (thanks Robbie). Unfortunately one thing we didn’t have was a plan, so after a bit of “Where would you like to go?” “Not fussy mate, where would you like to go?” - we agreed to try a few spots along the front of the rock wall at the port of Brisbane. We really didn’t put a lot of effort into it but we could not raise a scale. Robbie did fluke a small squid, so technically no donut. Then we ventured into the river to try a few spots that have been delivering snapper lately, but the only action we had there was Brian’s little plastic crab getting so bored it attacked my pilchard. So it was back to the ramp and then off for a quick tour of the oyster regeneration headquarters.

So no fish were harmed in the making of this report, but it was a great opportunity to get to know more about Robbie and the oyster project. He is very passionate about this great opportunity so if you have some free time I am sure he would be grateful for any assistance you can offer. It was also a great demonstration of the power of this site, with 3 people would never have met otherwise, out enjoying good company and doing what they like best.  Highlight of the day was the delicious lunch Robbie brought along, especially the ham and salad rolls featuring @kmcrosby78‘s homemade tomato relish. 

Thanks for your company, Brian and Robbie. Now, over to you @Drop Bear for your offshore report.


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Entertaining report. (I guess it has to be with out any fish caught😗)

Brian and Robbie are both easy going guys, so it was bound to be a pleasant day out.

It's a big task that Robbie has taken on and I'll be able to help at sometime through the journey.

Now for Robbie's creative writing skills to come to life.

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Entertaining read as always Steve, and good to see you are continuing to protect current fish stocks so that my children have fish to catch in the future ....... :whistle:  I won't take credit for the tomato relish - Dad makes it 🙂 Which reminds me, I'm almost due for another jar. Hope @ellicat's head didn't put too big a don't in the esky ........ 🙂 

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Oooppps i havent done the report yet... onto it.

Thanks for a great day out on the water @Old Scaley and @ellicat.

I hope the calamari was delicious. Also thanks so much for picking up the Oyster Shells on Saturday morning. I would hate to stuff up and not be able to pick them up as I feel they will get annoyed with us before too long. I had a great Friday and Saturday at the NSW Fishers for Fish Habitat Forum and will post up a report on this. NSW Department of Primary Industries are WWWAAAAYYYY ahead of QLD in engaging recreational anglers in restoration projects. 



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