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We've Got One And They've Got Four .......


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Took my Dad out for a quick troll for school mackerel (using a paravane and a metal spoon and a white Smith's jig spoon) on Friday. They'd been on around the Hope Banks in the middle of the bay a week earlier but hadn't had any recent reports but after half a lap around the banks we found a patch. Got the first one in, just legal at 52cm, so turned around and went back through them. At this point we noticed a couple of dolphins swimming along behind us and soon realised why - they took 3 off us (including a double hookup) as well as mouthing a small one that we got into the boat. Would have liked to have got a photo of it as it had two lots of teeth marks on it but wanted to give it a chance to survive, but don't think it released real well so we'll call it four for the dolphins and one for us unfortunately.

I heard a guy got 3 and lost 8 to the dolphins last week and also lost plenty of squire and grassies to them around Peel Island, plus we had some stealing our livies outside the South Passage Bar before Xmas so they're becoming a real pest at the moment.

Sorry no photos this time and already eaten :)

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I went out on Boxing day and the 30th  and didn't see a scale. From the sand hills to cowan and back both times.

but the amount of bait is incredible, I even caught a frogmouth pillie on the 40g raider.


No Tuna either, very unusual for this time of year I thought.


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17 minutes ago, Nog said:

I went out on Boxing day and the 30th  and didn't see a scale. From the sand hills to cowan and back both times.

but the amount of bait is incredible, I even caught a frogmouth pillie on the 40g raider.


No Tuna either, very unusual for this time of year I thought.


Nice one. Hopefully the spotties will come into the bay for the bait. 

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