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Please Let Me Know The Fishing Place Near Wivenhoe.


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I'm a foreigner. How are you?
I just started fishing.
I live in Gatton, about half an hour from wivenhoe.
The river is dry around here.
I want to catch a bass but I've never seen it.
I'm driving around here and there looking for water.
This is very hard. If I find a flowing river, it's hard to access because of the farm fence.
I don't have a boat. But I have a kayak for rowing.
I prefer fishing on the ground, if you don't mind.
Can you tell me where I can fish bass in a flowing river with wivenhoe?
And I have an udp map of Brisbane.
I haven't caught a fish yet.
English is difficult and fishing is difficult. 😞
Please help me. 😉

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Welcome to the fourm mate! By using the search button in the top right hand corner, you'll be able to find plenty of good information. 

As far as I know, the only river going off Wivenhoe Dam is the Brisbane River. This holds bass, and some places you could catch them landbased may be Kholo, Colleges Crossing, and Twin Bridges. A kayak will help you get to better spots though, so if you think you can paddle out I'd certainly try. 

As for fishing Wivenhoe... (I don't have much experience), But it is a big dam. I'd try to focus in one area for the bass.

Good luck and I hope you get some good ones. Hope you could understand everything I just said.

Cheers Hamish

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Hello and welcome. 


Are the creeks all dry like you say or do they still have small pools of water? I know it is dry at the moment but it's worth a closer look if there are pools of water.

Get down in the creek and go for a walk along it. 


I've caught bass in a pool of water not much bigger than a bath tub. That was at Christmas creek near Beaudesert. I just walked along the creek for a couple of kilometers. 

I don't know exactly how deep the pools of water were, however I could not see the bottom and it was a dry period like we are having now. From the road in a car you would have said it was a dry creek.

I caught about 6 bass all up. 

Ecogear sx40 did the damage.  

Oh...and when you walk along, don't walk like an elephant. Go quietly and stay low on approach to any pool of water. 


Good luck. 

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23 minutes ago, Junky said:

안녕하세요, 환영합니다. 


개울이 당신이 말한 것처럼 모두 건조합니까 아니면 여전히 작은 물 웅덩이가 있습니까? 나는 그것이 현재 건조하다는 것을 알고 있지만 물 웅덩이가 있다면 자세히 살펴볼 가치가 있습니다.

개울에 내려가 산책을하세요. 


나는 욕조보다 크지 않은 물 웅덩이에서베이스를 잡았다. 그것은 Beaudesert 근처의 크리스마스 크릭에있었습니다. 나는 개울을 따라 몇 킬로미터를 걸었습니다. 

웅덩이의 깊이는 정확히 알 수 없지만 바닥이 보이지 않아 지금처럼 건조한시기였습니다. 차의 길에서 당신은 그것이 마른 개울이라고 말했을 것입니다.

나는 약 6 개의베이스를 모두 잡았다. 

Ecogear sx40이 피해를 입었습니다.  

오 ... 그리고 걸을 때 코끼리처럼 걷지 마세요. 조용히 가서 물 웅덩이에 접근하지 마십시오. 


행운을 빕니다. 

Most of them don't even have water holes.
I know where the water is a little pooled when it rains.
I'm going to try.
Thank you!!

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35 minutes ago, AUS-BNE-FISHO said:


Fourm 메이트에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 오른쪽 상단의 검색 버튼을 사용하면 좋은 정보를 많이 찾을 수 있습니다. 

내가 아는 한, Wivenhoe 댐에서 흘러가는 유일한 강은 브리즈번 강입니다. 이것은 저음을 보유하고 있으며 육지에서 잡을 수있는 곳은 Kholo, Colleges Crossing 및 Twin Bridges 일 수 있습니다. 카약은 더 좋은 곳으로가는 데 도움이되므로 노를 저을 수 있다고 생각한다면 꼭 시도해 보겠습니다. 

Wivenhoe 낚시는 ... (경험이별로 없습니다)하지만 큰 댐입니다. 베이스를 위해 한 영역에 집중하려고합니다.

행운을 빕니다. 좋은 것을 얻으시기 바랍니다. 내가 방금 말한 모든 것을 이해할 수 있기를 바랍니다.

건배 Hamish

Twin Bridges is a place I often challenge. I've recently found a secret place over the fence, and I'm going to try there soon.

Colleges Crossing tried once. But so many water plants made me doubt whether fishing was possible. I saw many people coming to the picnic and enjoying kayaking. I didn't see bass...

Thank you for your answer.!!

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Bill gunn dam is nearly empty but is stocked with bass and other species. I chucked out my ubd years ago so suggest you search with google earth. From memory there is public access via patrick estate,Osheas Crossing,there is a large reserve just outside fernvale . Also river access o the fernvale to Laidley road.The river fishing will be hard as it is a few years since the dams overflowed and there is only very limited stocking in the rivers.Your best bet would be wivenhoe dam in a yak. Somerset has a lot of boat traffic but there is a good tackle shop there who can give you a lot of advice o it would be worth while going there justfor the advice.

Cheers Ray

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