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Outboard Brackets For Travelling


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Looking at options for a transom saver / outboard support bracket.

My motor is a 150hp 4 stroke yammy with the 3 ram tilt. 

My other boat uses one of the brackets that connects to the trailer and has a v shape that the motor sits in to take some of the weight and keep the motor still when travelling. 

I recently seen one of those plastic transom saver blocks that sits on one of the ram rods. Are these effective? Can't seem to see how it would alleviate any weight from the transom - perhaps it's not meant to and is meant to only reduce movement? 

Are there any alternatives or DIY solutions? Tried a trailer roller but it might be too soft as the outboard just bends it when any pressure is applied. 


Also, just a more general question about powered trims as I'm more used to my old manually trimmed outboard, will the trim stop automatically when it senses pressure / an obstacle (like a transom saver) or will it just keep trying to trim and break something? 




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I have a 60HP Yammy and used a Trailer Roller with a slot cut so you push it over the rod - tight fit -  as something to take the load off the hydraulics (Single ram) - it is a pretty solid one so it does not distort when the motor is lowered.  Much better option than using the factory fitted service support thing and cheaper than the $100 yamaha product.

The powered trim has no feature like a garage door so I guess it will just break something - never tried it!

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I can't speak for Yamaha but merc trim motors do not sense resistance. You'd just burn the trim motor out if you held it on I'd assume. 


I've never used an engine support on a large motor. Drive on trailers make it hard too. 

I did use a piece of LVL as a wedge between the tilt bracket but on rough roads it would fall out. 

That would not help your transom issue. 

How rough are the roads you're going on? 

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Hi there Ryan, I’m pretty sure the hydraulics are capable of supporting the weight of the outboard, and the “supports” that clip over a ram, be it a block of timber, or urethane versions, are put there as a form of insurance in the event of a hydraulic fluid leak, they’ll stop the outboard on the block preventing it from lowering down and scraping along the road.

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Okay. As usual I know nothing so take the following advice with a grain of salt. But the way I understand the lilt function to work is on gravity. So, when raising the motor, the hydraulic rams have to work, raising the weight of the motor to the desired level. However, when lowering the motor, I thought the rams just allowed the motor to descend under gravity. If you doubt this, try accelerating more than normal in reverse. The motor will ‘kick up’, demonstrating that it is not actually attached to the trim and tilt mechanism. This is designed that way so that, if you hit an underwater obstruction such as a log, the motor can kick up and minimise damage. Therefore the tilt mechanism should not damage your support mechanism when being lowered, unless it is too flimsy to take the weight.



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On 14/11/2020 at 6:48 PM, GregOug said:

Okay. As usual I know nothing so take the following advice with a grain of salt. But the way I understand the lilt function to work is on gravity. So, when raising the motor, the hydraulic rams have to work, raising the weight of the motor to the desired level. However, when lowering the motor, I thought the rams just allowed the motor to descend under gravity. If you doubt this, try accelerating more than normal in reverse. The motor will ‘kick up’, demonstrating that it is not actually attached to the trim and tilt mechanism. This is designed that way so that, if you hit an underwater obstruction such as a log, the motor can kick up and minimise damage. Therefore the tilt mechanism should not damage your support mechanism when being lowered, unless it is too flimsy to take the weight.



I often anchor my boat with the engine tilt. It is a 75hp Suzuki. I tilt the engine down so that it stays in a bit of water. 

I can report that the trim does pull the motor down, it actually lifts the boat. 

I am not a very good boat owner... as I don't do the maintenance I am supposed to... sorry boat and sorry hip pocket.. oh and never buy a second hand boat from me haha. 

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