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Steering motor error


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Here is a translation from Italian to English:

Hello everyone, thank you for accepting me. I would like to ask if anyone knows about the "steering motor error". For a few days I have been receiving this message, on the display of my beautiful Geo-spot 65lb. Thank you in advance for your kind reply and a cordial greeting.
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Sorry Manuel,  I can't help you as I don't own one of these units, and it looks like there aren't too many owners of these motors on this forum either, I suggest your contact the supplier to see if they can help you.




Scusa Manuel, non posso aiutarti perché non possiedo una di queste unità e sembra che non ci siano troppi proprietari di questi motori su questo forum, ti suggerisco di contattare il fornitore per vedere se possono Aiutarti. Spero che la mia traduzione in italiano vada bene.



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