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fortescue or bullrout?

jeff f

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STU wrote:

not sure jeff and we only got heaps of catties and a couple of pike

when we went back upstream we came across a school of threadies surface feeding near the old coral warfs

couldn't get them tro take a bait but they were boofing prawns all around the boat:(

apart from slimeboms and biteoffs

all we got was a muddy [img size=499]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/P1130027_AFO-7cd664d449edd32b2808306534768bfb.jpg


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I was talking to a guy the other day who caught 3 threadies up the river on prawns and he said they would'nt take the big prawns he had set up for them and got them in close on small hooks and a small piece of prawn on them cast in the shallows for bream the threadies were in close chasing prawns there too.

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Jeff I got a smaller one during my attempt (and the last for a while!) at sharking in the stinking freshwater lol. I would post the pic but it's about as good a quality as the first pic! (focus is on the background). But yeah mine had the horrible spikes that point forward on the front of their face too, and they seem to be able to fold them in as well. I though it was a little cod until I saw those spikes on the face, then grabbed the pliers to get it out of the cast net when I realised it was a bull rout!:blink:

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