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Schultz on Australia day '08


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Picked Kev up and got to Schultz around 6:30am. Kev was pretty quick to get onto two small flatties ( both on sx48 ), and I caught my first ever fish with a top water lure, a fancy Towadi at that!


Shortly after I got a 48cm Flattie on an sx48


We then hit a drought, and couldn't raise a strike. In a stroke of brilliance I rememebered the Strike King lure that cam in my BFC bag that I rescued from the tray of the ute before heading to fish. On it went, first cast and BANG got smashed by a catfish. Second cast, accidently knocked the bail when casting and snap went the leader knott, and the lure went flying off into the distance.


Headed back to the bridges, but this time the tide was pretty high, and there was very little action. I found a 3" Strike-King crayfish that Angus gave me, so threw it on and cast at the pylons.

On a retrieve I had a massive hit on the SP, It ran like a freight train and I hastily ( but carefully! ) tightened my drag and turned it around. Had some awesome runs, and a few flashes of silver which Kev was calling for a threaddie ( which I was starting to believe ) when it surfaced and I saw it for what it was, a catfish!

Got the cattie in and Kev lip-gripped it out of the water for me, was worried about snapping the leader lifting it. As soon as we got it out of the water it started vomiting babies everywhere. A quick photo and back in it went, followed by picking up and tossing back in well over 30 babies.


and that's all I have to say about that.

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Hitting up some Gold Coast canals with Stu. Should be sweet.

Ash got 2 cod and a 38cm whiting on some strike kings today. The little Bitsy minnow. Its as small if not smaller than an SX40 and with a good action. Im keen to try it on some bream.

Ill let ASH tell his story though.


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