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Lake Kurwongbah


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yeh hope so, you should see the water a mate and I pulled some bass out of up at the kilkevan water supply :dry: :blink: :blink: The water was a yukky greeny brown colour and stagnant. caught over 20 bass out of there. It was a real shame the fish must have had next to no food they were the skiniest fish I have ever seen by far and a deformity or 2.

heres the water we pulled them from its all only about 2 ft deep and will be gone very soon a real shame

[img size=499]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb161/pcsolutionman/imgp2017-web.jpg

The skinny fish

[img size=499]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb161/pcsolutionman/imgp2015-web.jpg

[img size=499]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb161/pcsolutionman/imgp2016-web.jpg

And the deformed fish a really odd moon type shape

[img size=499]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb161/pcsolutionman/imgp2013-web.jpg


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pcsolutionman wrote:

ellicat wrote:
Hope it doesn't have an ill effect on the tilapia:S

Not until I've won me a yak anyway;) :laugh:

Already enough loonatics in the yak bregade we cant fit you in sorry Elli :P;) ;)


Thanks :pinch:

No need to worry mate - when I win it I'm going to take it to BigW and trade it in on 50 blow ups:woohoo: lmao

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Feral wrote:

At the PRFMA meeting tonight, it was mentioned by one of the blokes that lake Kurwongbah is now at 50%.

Back on topic (sorry Feral), It might be a bit more after tonights inflows finish. Hope there'll be enough bank for the cull. A lot more water expected to fall between now and then.

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Not a problem Lee - about the cull, Shayne is working hard on private property access for us which would be great!

With the Bass, like most freshwater Australian fish, they are designed to go long periods without food when they get stranded in water holes and eat out all the food. They reckon the really big barra can go a year without a feed.

They cant go forever though!

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ellicat wrote:

Geez Lee. They look hungry:ohmy:

Probably would have bitten on a bare hook:unsure:

Totally in contrast to the Tilapia in Lake K. I was talking to Shayne last week and he said the tillies have not been biting at all. Bastards.

Hopefully they'll be hungry enough come cull time.

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