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tweed luring


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heading off tomoro to the tweed for a sesh.. me and a couple of mates are getting droped of at keneddy drive and are going to work jackall chubbys and sps alond the rockwall then head towards boydesbay bridge... maybe sometrevallely ( thanks for the insperation tim :P ) then head towards the boat hire and fish 4 their pet bream witch is massive lol then mayb head behind the island there. then we will probs walk around the trawlers and have a bit of a flick then head along to this boardwalky thing near the trawlers..... hopfully the water clarity doesent affect the fishing but we will try lol

i will let you know how we do tommoro lol

cheers jason :)

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hey jason, since the water might be more dirty, hb's should be the go because the fish will be less shy and they can hear the rattle. You should get a bream,cod,moses perch or flatty on one of your 10000 chubbys :P, try the jetty side of boyds bay bridge and cast at the second pilon eddy, or inbetween the middle thats wher i got mine, with heavy sp's. Good luck its an awsome place

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yea i was with jason fishing at tweed and we got about 5 flattys all from 35cm to 45 cm jason lost a decent one and we had a cod goin nuts for hard bodies but he never got hooked

all wer caught on 3 inch minnows in nuclear chicken and a 70 mm pillie flick baits pro range

might throw some photos up later jasons pritty uc got all the photos i only got 1


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