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Double tagged shark details from Suntag


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Well blow me down, I was doing a clean up this morning and I found an innocent little notebook, with the tag details of double tagged Bull Shark that Chris (Killemaul) caught early last year. I even had the phone number written down, so I gave them a call and the details are below:

Most Recent Capture:

Date: 03/03/2007

Tag #01: P73324

Tag #02: P73325

Length (tip-tip): 84 cm

Length (fork): 67 cm

Weight: 4.05 kg

Captured: Karana Downs, Brisbane River

Caught By: Chris England

Original Capture:

Date: 08/02/2007

Length (tip-tip): 74 cm

Capture: Brisbane River

Caught By: Scott Turner

Which means, in less than a month, this little fella has grown 10 cm! How crazy is that! We released the shark too, so hopefully the little guy is now fighting fit four or five footer:) If anyone knows Scott Turner (apparently a member of a local fishing club), they might want to give him a call. Also in a sharking post a while back Schultzy was talking about double tagging sharks: http://www.australianfishing.com.au/index.php?option=com_kunena&Itemid=237&func=view&id=41597&catid=30&limit=20&limitstart=0, and this was the shark I was talking about!

cheers, wwolfB)

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