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Harrie's Reef 9/2/08


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Had a top morning out fishing Harrie's Reef. I got the nod from the boss to go wet a line so I didn't argue.

Headed of around 5:15 this morning with my deckie Chelsea.

Anyways long story short, Boated some nice Squire a Sweet Lip and a few juvies.

I kept getting smoked by something nice there. I'd get it 5 or so meters of the deck and then it would turn it's head and power into a snag. Happend 8-10 times. I had my drag locked and it would pull it like I had 2lb on it:blink: .

The last time I hooked it I got it on it's way to the top and it started to power back down pulling drag so I grabbed the spool and just held on, The friggen thing just kept going, my rod was on breaking point when the leader gave up the ghost:S , That was 30lb braid with 50lb leader. Was still fun though.

The second biggest Squire in the pic was boated useing my light gear 6lb braid 8lb leader on Nuke chook. That was a hell of a fight, Great fun. Got smoked a couple of times with that set up also, but that was to be expected.:P








Sorry about all the pics but the kids wanted in on the action;)


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faulked wrote:

nicely done mate the kids look great holding up the fish it makes them look massive specialy the one with chelsea:)

:laugh: :laugh: Yeah thats why I get them to hold them:laugh:

They look to small when I do:(

I was going to give you a couple to take home, I bloody forgot:blush: Sorry mate.


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Hey Chubbstar, we saw you out there:cheer:. We waved from a white, 5.2m Formosa Centre console, but I don't think you saw us:(

When we went past you, we were attempting to drift fish, but there were too many boats to do it successfully:( so we eventually gave up and then anchored. Best decision all day:cheer:

We also had a pretty good day:), I'll do a report later

Well done on your fish.

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Angus wrote:

Chubs you are the most suucessful Harries angler i know mate :)


:blink: :blush: :laugh: :laugh: I've only been there twice Gus, but thanks anyway mate:blush:

Chelsea didn't do so good, she got smoked once or twice, snagged 200 times:S and then got bored so ate whatever food we had and drank the boat dry:blink:

I'm sure she gets her appitite from her mother;)

Damn cowfish sorry I missed ya mate. You should have stoped and said "G'day". But then again we did have some serious fishing to do;) ;) .

You was on the water with out fishing Nasty:ohmy: ? You're letting the team down:P :laugh: :silly:

You wonna see it rocket:blink: ? I have to re-stock on tackle because of the bloody thing. It'd look like a punk rocker with the amount of hooks hanging from it's lips:laugh: :laugh:


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