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Unhooking tiny breams


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perhaps the wide gape hooks would be the go. they tend to hook in the corner of the mouth or lip hook due to their shape. Most brands make them now in a range of sizes from about size 8 right up to 5/0. They all call them different names. I think the mustad ones are called "big mouth" and are red in colour. I have used these targeting both bream and bass and have managed all kinds of fish on them, very rairly does one get past into the gut.

If you do get a gut hook, or deep in the mouth, it tends to be best for survival rates to leave the hook in (as per Sards recommendation) and cut the line as close as possible to the eye. Most hooks commonly used now are high carbon and will rust very quickly in a salt water environment or work it's way through the fish's system.

It does suck to see a little one go belly up on release:(

Hope this helps


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Squash the barb on your hooks with a pair of pliers and they will come out easy as. It makes a huge difference and i dont think it makes much difference to your hook up rate on bream. In fact the hooks probably penetrate easier.

Unless of course if they are gut hooked then cut the line as close as possible.

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