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Whipper Snipper Thingo @ Tinnie+Tackle Show


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Hi guys just wondering if anyone remembers what those things for the whipper snippers are called? They were at the tinnie and tackle show and they go onto a conventional whipper snipper and u just feed 2 pieces of cord through each hole. Its much much easier. I didnt buy one as i wanted to research them, But now i forgot what their called.

Anyone Remember?

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i think it was just called the edge or whipper edge or something trust me iwouldnt recommend it you can proper heads from the manufacturer that are pretty much the same or if its an old snipper thats lacking a bit i have a snipper thats under $400 with 5 year warranty and one of the easiest to start and also recable just put the cable in and wind simple as that no need to take apart the head and still bump feed once gets to short.

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