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Did anyone else go to BCF Club night?


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We went to BCF Club night at Virginia last night. We arrived late and didn't know we had to register on arrival so weren't eligible for the lucky door prizes. bugger!

The first speaker basically did a long advert for Shimano gear. He referred to the Stella as the Rolls Royce of reels, then later called the Sustain the Rolls Royce. I thought that was pretty funny! The second speaker Thommo cooked damper and something else I didn't watch because I was wandering around the store at that stage. Didn't stick around for the Ecogear talk.

Just wondering if anyone else got anything out of the night?

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You normally get an email when the store you specify as your 'home store' is having a night. People normally post them on here too and you can register and attend any. HAve been to Brown Stains and also the Ipswich one and if it wasnt for having a sausage and chinwag with fellow AFO members then wouldnt go to any more.

I mean really how much of Thommo and his donut joke can one person take!

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I got invited to the virginia one too, Ive been to a few around the place but either the guest speaker seemed to be in a bit of a rush, or his talked seemed to be aimed more at the beginer (which is perfect when you think about it cause thats BCF in a nutshell, anyone who's got more than two weeks under thier belt knows you can get better deals at big w) haha.. hope that doesnt stir anyone up..

I thought the first one was alright but i could have just fell for thier flirting with me using sausages and free cans of coke, I was pretty keen to win the electric motor so I hung around, but all I won was a bright pink Wahoo frisby.. excellent!!

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