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Berley advice


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Hi, we usually target snapper with plastics early in the morning or late afternoon, but because things have been a bit quite lately we are going to have a night time session with livies and pillies around the southern bay islands targeting snapper and other species.

I was wanting some advice on a quick, cheap and simple berley system that we could employ to maximise our chances as we have never used berley in the past...something that i could put together or even buy between now and tomorrow night? Was going to head out to BCF later so if anyone knows of a good system for sale there that would be great.



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shortie wrote:

Stick the mixture in a piece of poly pipe with holes drilles in it. weight it and send it down your anchor rope.

i wouldnt do this if i was you. there is the chance a sharky could want dibs in which case you would loose your anchor aswell if your unlucky.

certainly a good way to do it but i wouldnt attach it to your anchor rope

just my 2 cents

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fishyman wrote:

shortie wrote:
Stick the mixture in a piece of poly pipe with holes drilles in it. weight it and send it down your anchor rope.

i wouldnt do this if i was you. there is the chance a sharky could want dibs in which case you would loose your anchor aswell if your unlucky.

certainly a good way to do it but i wouldnt attach it to your anchor rope

just my 2 cents

It had want to be a very big shark. And if it happens you have a great story to tell.

Anchors are cheap.

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Lots of tackle shops sell burley bombs - basically frozen minced fish offal, usually in an onion bag. Cheapest and quickest. You can put a rope on them etc, but easiest is to just check it doesn't float, then chuck it up stream of where you are anchored. - make sure its not 10 minutes from tide change ;)

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Do$tylz wrote:

Just sink a carton just before heading out. If you can sink it with a bucket of KFC even better. Stay away from Hot n Spicy :P

I was going to say share a case of rum with a couple of pizzas, play the broomstick game for a while and then jump on the boat for a lumpy ride out. It should generate a steady stream of berley!

Seriously, I have one of those real cheap plastic cages and I chuck all sorts of stuff in it including old pillies, squid, bread, tuna oil etc. It has a stainless clip attached to it and a rope that continues up to the boat. Chuck in a big sinker, seal it up, clip to anchor line and send it down. It can be adjusted to suit the depth so the flow of debris is where the fish are.

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