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fishing mud isl tomorrow


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im heading out tomorrow by myself to mud island to try my new motor and try for a bit of dinner in the process!

anyone is welcome to join if they like?

i also have a deckie spot free if someone wants to come!

i will be hitting the port of bris ramp at 5am to get in as much fishing as i can before the arvo winds come!

has anyone had any luck trolling around mud? or should i just anchor up as usual or maybe try a few drifts with sp's

cheers Ian.

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trolling mud is pretty much a waste of time, great if you want to catch grinners though... :angry: i would be anchoring and burleying, drop some live baits etc or drifting and finding a patch were they are biting. i don't fish plastics much, i know many people who have had success on them though.

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Have had a few recent trips to Mud, plenty of other people do well there. I have only landed 1 keeper.

I have tried NW corner, N end and most of the w side. From what I have read the 10m contour line is your best bet. I think Mud hold plenty of really good fish but you need to crack a few codes.

The keeper I got was from the West side, maybe 500m from the island out towards the floating cardinal mark in about 6m of water

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hey rum, i just got home from club mud, was on the pond at 4am till an hour ago. we hit all our usual spots which are around the corner pockets so to speak, most productive tho was a north-south drift starting from around mid island to the southern end on the eastern side. heap of throw back squire, a few around 45cm, couple of keeper size grassies, handful of tailor and 2 humungus catfish. while on that side we saw plenty of long tail tuna in there usual small numbers smashing thru the surface then disappearing as quickly as they appeared. ultra glassy conditions.


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thanks for all the info and well wishes guys!;)

im thinking of trying the wreck of mudd to start with and then try a few drifts pretty much where buzzid was drifting, find where they are biting and anchor up and bearly like crazy!

see how i go?:huh:

better go and get some bait now befor the shops shut!

cheers Ian

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