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Brisbane River last night!! Use the Force Ellicat!


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When Ellicat's old outboard gave up the ghost and I was called for the towing duties, I told him I wanted to go on the maiden voyage when he got his new motor. Well last night he came good, we headed out to the brisbane River chasing Jew and to test the new motor. The boat gets up and humms with the Force pushing her along at a good rate of knotts!:)

Now to the fishing, We had a go at a Jew hole in Boaters Passage. Had no luck there what so ever. We nearly got ran over by a Tug boat:dry: and got the hell out of there. We headed for the pipe hoping to snare a Threadie and maybe some Bream or Squire. We had some ok hits but dropped fish with out any fight. I was useing Lives most of the time, I caught a cattie, Pike Eel and Ray. We ran out of lives so I started useing dead freash Herring. After casting one out on my lite rod I noticed it having a bit of a twitch. I picked the rod up and could feel a little weight, I let the fish have a good go at the bait before lifting the tip of the rod up in a slow controled manner. The weight at the other end of the line paused for a second and the Bang it was off!!! and I mean it was friggen OFF!! My drag started screaming, I started screaming and Elli was wondering WTF was going on. This thing had some serious grunt and good weight to boot. I held on for dear life as I watched the last of my Braid dissapeare of the spool and the mono backing starting to peel out. "I'm getting spooled Elli!!!" I screamed (he was only a foot away):blush: . Elli jumped up and went for the anchor. I'm thumbing the spool ever so carefully trying not to loose the plot and all my line. Then it happend SNAP it's gone:ohmy: :blink: :laugh::woohoo: :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: "DID YOU FK'N SEE THAT????" :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

I was friggen stoked, even though I lost it, I was absolutly wrapped. That fish didn't stop, didn't slow down It just powerd off into the deep blue with 150yds of my braid and about 50yds of mono trailing behind it. It had to be either a Threadie or a Jew. I dont realy care what it was, I just know I want another one and I'm not going to rest untill I do:P .

To you guys that have caught a threadie on lite gear, Can you give me any tips on how to handle these speed demons? Next time I hook one I wont be so green, I'll be ready with 300yd's of braid and a quick release anchor!

Another odd event while we where out there, was a big double hook up on Elli and my rods. It ended up we had both hooked a good sized Ray:blink: , Yeo the hungry bugger ate both our baits:laugh: :laugh: .

Oh and Elli now knows how to throw a cast net:) He's getting a good spread and after 4 throws he's masterd it. Who says you cant teach an old dog new tricks;)

Thanks Elli for the top trip, Full of laughs and firsts. I'll be having many sleep less nights thinking of that big one that got away!!


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Haha. Good night Chubbs. A lot of good belly laughs recounting old stories and making new ones.

The threadie run was awesome!:woohoo:

The Force certainly pushed us along quickly on a glassed out river. Checked the GPS today - just shy of 60kmh. Who knows what it will get to with just me and a rod onboard:ohmy: May have to invest in a 'chute:laugh:

PS Still don't think the threadie was as big as the hit I got first cast :pinch: Missed it when it hit unexpectedly when trying to sort out the clicker and drag on the Alvey I was using:unsure: Bugger!

I can teach you the noose knot if you like:laugh:

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chubbstar wrote:

To you guys that have caught a threadie on lite gear, Can you give me any tips on how to handle these speed demons? Next time I hook one I wont be so green, I'll be ready with 300yd's of braid and a quick release anchor!


follow the fish and gain as much line as poss without getting yourself too tired, constantly adjust the drag, pray that you at least get to see what monster of a fish it is.

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I have done alot of fishing for quality fish on light gear, many times solo. I have a large poly ball on the end of my anchor line and tie the anchor off a bollard with a figure 8 loop knot. Vety simple to take the loop off the bollard and turn the key to get going.

As soon as you hookup what you even think might be a good fish, the rule is all other lines in asap. This can be done even fishing solo. If the fish is running hard then anchor buoy over the side and start chasing it. I have never had a fish spool me before I had time to start chasing it, but it important to use reels with enough line capacity for the job. 200m apacity is the absolute minimum, and most of my reels are spooled with 400-500m of line. Gives a bit more time to get the lines in and start chasing.

My best is a 10.2 kg threadie on 2kg pretest mono fishing solo (I had one other line out). Takes a fair bit of effort and concentration to drive the boat and fight the fish at the same time, making sure to keep the line well away from the boat. That fish headed for deep water and most of the 45 minute fight was in 16-22m water. The only way I was able to lift it was by driving the boat slowly over to a sandbank so the fish was 'swum' into shallower water.

Don't expect to land every fish you hook if you fish light. You have to just accept that some fish will be too big or bad luch will intervene. I hooked a fish in April off Bundaberg on 2 kg pretest mono - probably a big golden trevally - which I fought for 3 hours before deciding that it was too big for the gear and busting it off. Very satisfying however when you do land a good one on light gear.


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Yellow Peril wrote:

Very satisfying however when you do land a good one on light gear.


i agree hehheh havent landed anything as big as you(been close) but still a couple of threaddie around the 70-80cm mark on breaming gear is very fun. every run the fish takes keeps the adrenelin pumping. ive been busted off quite a few times by big fish and i realises that happens cos of the gear im using, this just makes me more pumped and ready for the next session

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Mate you hit the nail on the head! I have only once experinced what happened to you when I hooked that tuna at noosa in super light gear...

After yesterdays day of tiny squire and bream I want some huge fish...please fish Gods!


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