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Ouch Thanks Ana. Boat rego increases.


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Saw in the budget that boat rego was going up but couldnt find any figures so I wrote to my local member. Here is his response.

Sorry for the delay. I got this information yesterday.

Please find following advice from Queensland Transport...............................

· Queensland Transport is increasing the registration fee component

for recreational vessels from 1 October 2008.

· The revenue generated by the increases will go towards better

public boating facilities such as new or improved boat ramps and pontoons.

· For vessels up to 4.5 metres long and the owners of which are not

eligible for concessions, the increase will be $15.00, with their annual fee rising from $50.35 in 2007-08 to $65.35. The size of the fee increase for other vessels will vary, depending on the length of the vessel. For owners not eligible for concessions, the registration fee component


? for vessels longer than 4.5 metres up to 6 metres will be $57.00

? for vessels longer than 6 metres up to 10 metres will be $125.95

? for vessels longer than 10 metres up to 15 metres will be $226.60

? for vessels longer than 15 metres up to 20 metres will be $283.30

? for vessels beyond 20 metres in length, the increase will be


· Additionally, the registration bill received by vessel owners

includes a Recreational Use Fee, the revenue from which is used for fisheries management by the Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries. The current fee of $15.45 will rise by $0.70 to $16.15 from 1 July 2008.

· The vessel registration fee component increases above will be

reduced for eligible concession holders. Holders of a full rate age pension, disability support pension, service or general rate disability pension or seniors card will be exempt from paying 50% of the fee increase for one vessel. Totally and permanently incapacitated war pension holders are exempt from paying the registration fee on one vessel, so the increase will not apply to them for that vessel.

Mr Kennedy there is also a review on marine infrastructure in Moreton Bay. Here is a link that may assist;



John English

Looks like I am going to cut off my bow roller and rear handles to get size down to 4.5.



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Feral wrote:

An extra $60 for my boat. Dont think I'll bother registering it next year, its only registered for the one or two days of the year I use the 6 hp petrol motor on it, so I'll be going electric only I think, no Rego then.

Can't do the ol' 6 hp with a 4HP sticker on it?

Not that I would recommend or support such an activity...

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Mate, the DPI blokes know how to ID engine size from engine number. My motor had no sticker on it, DPI bloke walked up, wiped the grease off the number, and said, "6hp eh, is it registered?" Which it was. Thats on a 20 year old motor as well!

(I put the 6 sticker on it for the "gentleman" at Lenthalls, who cant tell engine size from the engine number!)

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Copy of letter I sent to local member John English.



John I am appalled and disgusted by the fee increases as outlined. Because my boat is 4cm over 4.5 meters in am compelled to pay an increase of over 50% in my registration fees. Thank goodness that I downsized from my previous 6m boat 2 months ago.

Can you please explain to me how your government can apply such unjust charges on the boating public?

If the fees were to be equally applied across the whole spectrum I would be prepared to accept an increase in fees but the proposed scale is totally unfair.

Can you tell me what you as my local member are going to do about this unfair situation.

I would suggest that you have a look at some of the boating forums to get an idea of the outrage that this has generated amongst the boating fraternity.

Yours Faithfully

Ray Kennedy.

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A draft of the email I will be sending to my local member.

I am in total disgust at the unfair way that boat rego increases are being placed on to the owners of larger vessels and the smaller craft are only being taxed a extra $15 . It seems to me that the owners of larger boats get taxed (robbed)enough already they pay more sales tax (gst) use more Fuel so more fuel tax require more complex servicing theirfor more gst requirer larger cars to tow so more gst and more fuel tax and larger boats take more to build creating more jobs which equals more income tax.

Personaly I think that small craft should wear the brunt of your money grubing exersize as the owners of small craft tend to use the facilities more often and as for concessions those guys use the inforstructsure more than anybody and what about small sail craft and yaks used for fishing, should they not contribute.

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Think you will get a few differences of opinion with asking that small boats, sail craft and yaks bearing the brunt of the money grabbing exercise.

Its like most things, the bigger it is the more it uses and the more you pay for the luxury of using it. Would be interesting to see the % increase over the old fees. Are they all equal or is there favouritism in play there.

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Kayaks shouldn't have to pay for a rego:P

I'm sure there is a much greater list of things here, but what are some of the things boat rego pays for? Pontoons, boat ramps...

How often do you think I use any of these? Beach launch at bribie.. bank launches at stanley or ningi, launch where ever at a dam, (usually wherever parking is)

AZZA I think what you're after is a fishing license as opposed to boat rego.

Edit: as for a fishing license... If the $$$ went to the right things I'd be all for it

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Feral its big enough to incurr a $125 increase as opposed to a $15 jump I wonder how calm joe public would be if a 100% increase was imposed on people with cars bigger than a exel

Booty thats what makes life and forums interesting is difference of opinion

Terry if I store my craft at a private pontoon or marina does that mean I should be exempt from rego or at least part of

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if you put rego on a yak, then they should put rego on pushbikes and skateboards as well. cars will be the next to go up i reckon.the whole things a fricken joke. see what happens when women grab the rails!! lol ( cant wait for the chicks to pipe up)

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kriso wrote:

if you put rego on a yak, then they should put rego on pushbikes and skateboards as well. cars will be the next to go up i reckon.the whole things a fricken joke. see what happens when women grab the rails!! lol ( cant wait for the chicks to pipe up)

Pushbikes ( AKA mobile chicanes ) use the roads that motorists pay for and yaks use the water that we pay for.:laugh: :laugh:



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AZZA I would like to say sure! but then it would get to the point where everyone would be asking for their own little exceptions for reasons x y z and it would get a little crazy. The main issue I believe is the impact such a boat has on the waterway.

It's sort of like car rego too - bigger cars, more expensive regos.

Now whether or not the cost is fair for each range is questionable.

Like I said, for the fishing aspect of it, I'd be all for a fishing license with stockings and more enforcement of DPI Regulations.

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See - this is the reason we always get screwed over - arguing amongst ourselves over who has the high ground, who should pay more etc etc.

They always beat us by dividing us and getting us fighting amongst ourselves instead of fighting the common enemy. Typical Eco Terrorist tactics (thats my new term for a a greenie if your not in the know)

The truth is none of us should be paying any more, none of us should be nominating that someone else should be paying any more. We should be standing as a group and saying "sod off" !

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But Feral, as a kayaker, how can I say "sod off" ? I don't have any basis behind it, because I'm not paying anything.

However I do think any increase should be relative to how much you already pay. a fair % increase. So like a 15% increase for example. Or whatever the particular increases are. I would have thought if there are substantially more people in the shorter end - sub 4.5m they would have a higher % increase in this region than any other.

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Inflation ?

Everything costs more these days, so rego must increase to compensate for this.

Now, hopefully ones income has increased at a rate similar to inflation, in which case you wont feel the effect since your real income (dunno why but I feel like talkign economics tonight - hopefuly that's the right term and not nominal :unsure:) is the same.

But I doubt the increase is to cover inflation, and is another money grabbing exercise from a government whos plans are to have $55billion debt - yippee. I think the media is beating up something about a daily interest expense of $10M?

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Ok because I'm going to have to pay an extra 125.98 a year does that mean I get priority use of the ramp over smaller boats ( I mean I do pay more :P )

if you get a gold pass to the pictures you get better seats etc so why not at the ramp :woohoo:


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Might have to do some research and compare boat regos between states last I heard in NT you did nit have to register boats. I used to have my boat registered in SA with a Qld address used to be $10 per year till they bunged on a $20 waterways fee which brought it up to near Qld rates.



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Hi their gents just to let you know about my earlier post the first part about larger boats already paying to much tax is what I think just the same as I think it sucks that if you own a v8 you pay more car rego than a 4 or 6 cylinder even though the 4 cyl may use the road more . The 2nd part of my post was only a bit of a pot stir to generate a bit spirited discusion :) I've got no Worries that yaks dont pay rego or that tinnys pay less and I am all for pensioners getting discounts hell I'll be one myself one day what does get my goat is the increases are not uniform . Also it dosent help that at the same time we are giving $35mil to toyota, paying the GG $390 000 to flounce about letting pedophiles sue the gov (tax payers) for being locked up and many other wasted tax payer dollars then getting slugged with taxes every time you turn around hell cant even grab a six pack jim and cola for a cold winter night without getting taxed more:angry:

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Yes Azza I agree if the increases were an even percentage for each length we would have nothing to complain about and would have to grudgeingly wear it.

Here are the current fees.

Length General Pensioners/Senior

up to and including 4.5 m A$65.80 A$40.65

4.51 m - 6 m A$103.60 A$59.55

6.01 m - 10 m A$141.40 A$78.45

10.01 m - 15 m A$166.55 A$91.00

15.01 m - 20 m A$204.30 A$109.90

20.01 m and over A$254.80 A$135.15

The registration fee includes a A$15.45 recreational use fee collected by Queensland Transport on behalf of the Department of Primary Industries for fish restocking.Ti work out your new fees add the ammount below to the above.

up to 4.5 $15

for vessels longer than 4.5 metres up to 6 metres will be $57.00

? for vessels longer than 6 metres up to 10 metres will be $125.95

? for vessels longer than 10 metres up to 15 metres will be $226.60

? for vessels longer than 15 metres up to 20 metres will be $283.30

? for vessels beyond 20 metres in length, the increase will be


So if your boat is iver 4.5 m the fees are goint to increase at least 50%.

Here is a list of all other states fees.

NSW Fees

Initial Registration is on a sliding scale

$45.00 for vessels up to 3 metres, then $8.20 per half metre there after, to a maximum of $496.00

PWC Registration


PWC Registration - Concession


Victoria is

any craft powered by an engine up to 4m including all canoes is $36 and over 4m is $66.70.

Tasmamia is a flat $74.38 if the vessell has a motor over 4hp.

South Australia

$72.20 same for all size craft.

West Australia

Vessel length < 5 Metres (1 year)


Vessel length 5 Metres to 9.99 Metres (1 year)


Vessel length 10 Metres to 19.99 Metres (1 year)


Vessel length 20 Metres or Over(1 year)


Northern Territory

Legal Requirements for Boat Registration Numbers in Australia ... Northern Territory. No registration is required in the Northern Territory

Think we should all move to Darwin and start up DFO.



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Victora doesn't look that bad untill you add in the cost ov parking at boat ramps have heard some are up to $8 plus you would have to live in vic. Looking at those costs might just transfer my boat to dads name and pick up a nice little discount

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