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Feel good thread - Christian the Lion


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I think that its about time we all had a look at something like this and sat back and thought how good life really is.

I know I am stepping out on a limb here and might offend the lion, receive attacking and threatening PMs from somewhere deep in the Savanna, but its called free speech


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it's ok michael... i'm sure there have been / will be worse ones... :P i just think it'd be the best pet... neighbours cat comes in the yard, gone. dog across the road yapping, gone. any random zebras in the neighbourhood, gone. kids from over the back come to try and get their ball... lawsuit. awesome pet! :P

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Nastymind wrote:

True true.

I'd love a pet monkey actually.

How cool would that be!

Speaking of pet monkeys, an old vet once told me a story about one of his colleagues. The story goes that there was a circus in town (think it was either in Cairns or Townsville) in the 80's, anyway one of the circus monkeys swallowed some poisonous liquid, so off to the vet it was for this monkey. The vet upon hearing what the monkey had swallowed decided that first treatment would be Ipecac syrup to make the monkey vomit.

The syrup was administered & the vet told the monkeys owner to take him out the back of the surgery so he could bring it up on the grass. Being a busy day in the surgery, the vet didn't explain too well which way to the back of the surgery.

A few minutes later the vet heard all sorts of cheers & claps & horns blasting outside his surgery. So off he went to take a look, the man & the monkey had ended up out the front of the surgery, alongside a busy road. Apparently there was cheering, clapping, yahooing, horns blasting, and "have a big night there mate???" 'ing as this poor little monkey spewed his guts up into the gutter!!! :laugh:



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