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Jayden Morgan

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Posts posted by Jayden Morgan

  1. On 29/11/2011 at 7:27 AM, youngy said:

    Lachie, unfortunately the Christmas casual positions at BCf have all been filled in around October, but go online and put your name down for a future position, this is what i did 4 years ago when i wanted a change.



    I am not going to get into the what stores best and who knows what, i think in our store we have someone to help you wheather you want to catch Marlin of Garfish and everything in between.


    Unfortunately on busy days we sometimes can't spend as much time with customers as we would like but if you want help with something try and come in during the week when it is not as busy.


    Still remember a couple of years ago going in to a so called specialist fishing store and being told i wouldn't catch fish unless i used braid that was worth $60, was all i could do to stop laughing.


    Personally for me i love working there, we have some terrific customers some of whom have become good fishing mates, cheers wayne

    Im 14 and nearly nine months is thata the minimal age to work at bcf?


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