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Posts posted by G1V

  1. Fishing in Brisbane river around structure and especially the banks with sinker swivel setup I’m getting about 70% snags. 

    I can easily throw s float on but I was hoping someone could suggest a technique. Rigging change or ideas on how to avoid snags in rocky areas. 

    or is it just part of the territory?

  2. Hi team,

    Me and my Son have started fishing in the port region of the brisbane river. I’ve been trying to source decent areas for live bait casting but most places I head to have barely any baitfish around. 

    I’ve been trying creek mouths, jetties and along the banks but best I could do was a couple herring and mullet. 

    my question is, does anybody have a consistent spot to gather live bait in this area. (Around Pinkenba boat ramp)

    im aware I may get the. “do better or learn to find bait” talk and yes I’m trying. Hence asking this community instead of just bumbling along. 

    is jigging in the river viable?

    thanks in advance everyone. Look forward to some responses! ✌️


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