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Everything posted by Neddy

  1. Neddy


    Yes if I put my email address up it says my email address is someone else's and won't let me in.
  2. I will use 30lb braid. On a 7ft 4-6kg medium flex graphite rod. i will mainly be tossing lures about 1/2 Oz in weight. I have about ten rods to choose from as I have had boats,kayaks, and have done a lot a shoreline creeks and surf fishing etc over about 65yrs of fishing.
  3. Neddy


    Won't let me back on forum
  4. Hi just bought myself a Shimano curado 200m baitcaster reel. I have been toying with the idea for a while as I am getting back into Murray cod fishing. It's been a while since I treated myself to a new baitcaster as my original one I bought back in the 1980s was an Abu 6500 overhead reel which is still going okay. I also tried an Abu Garcia revox 4 baitcaster which was going out as a clearance item but returned it to the store in favour of the curado. There are lots of videos on utube about this reel and it has good reports. I was a bit disappointed that Shimano do not supply the small container of reel oil anymore yet they stipulate that you oil the braking system once every five or so outing. I have some Penn fishing reel oil that's going to have to do! They charge around $20 for genuine Shimano oil!
  5. Neddy


    Hi I am new to forum have been fishing for last 65yrs, boating,kayaking and coastal. Hopefully I can contribute to the forum.
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