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Everything posted by Mission

  1. Thanks Sneaky. So this is a legal situation you reckon, right? thanks
  2. Good evening everybody, I have a question about the bag limit as below: Suppose I am preparing a family dinner, say Christmas Eve, and there are 10 peoples will attend the dinner. So I went crabbing on 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23 Dec. If I got 2 legal crabs in each trips, then there were 10 crabs totally in my house. Is that situation legal or not since the bag limits is 7? and if there is a Fisheries officer visit my house on 24 Dec, how can I explain the situation to him? The question is that the bag limit is "accumulative limit" or "one trip limit" ? Thanks for your response in advance. Cheers Mission
  3. Happy new year every one. Wish all of you have good time, good fish, and good luck in the coming year. Cheers
  4. Wish you a good luck, Hamish. I am eager to hear the good news from you. Cheers Mission
  5. Sorry Hamish, my mistake. you asked "how" and I answer "where" before. The fish was caught on a live small prawn, #4 circle hook, 15 lb FC leader line, #0.8 braid line, 7'6" spin rod 3~5kg. I cast the rig very near to the bank. cheers mission
  6. Hi Scaley, thanks for your advise. I got QLD fishing 2 already since I saw a post recommend it before. However, this app suggest this fish as black jewfish, barramundi, or mulloway..... At first glance, I thought this is a luderick absolutely. then I noticed that the belly is not silvery, the dorsal back shape is strange, and the mouth shape ( Personally, I think the mouth of Luderick look like a bird beak). So I look for help on web. Cheers
  7. Thanks, Hamish. I got it at Carbrook, Riedel park boat ramp on Logan river last night. cheers Mission Sorry Hamish, my mistake. you asked "how" and I answer "where"... The fish was caught on a live small prawn, #4 circle hook, 15 lb FC leader line, #0.8 braid line, 7'6" spin rod 3~5kg. I cast the rig very near to the bank. cheers mission
  8. To all AFO, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May all of you get good fishes everyday, everytime, everywhere. Could anybody tell me if this a Luderick or what? thanks.
  9. Mission

    All fishers

    Merry Christmas nd happy new year to every one.
  10. Thanks, mate. However, these two javelins have different dorsal fin shapes, especially the second spine, from the DPI pictures and descriptions. cheers
  11. Thanks mate. So FW stands for Fresh Water. Estuary belong to half-half or saltwater? The fish were caught at logan river near river mouth.
  12. Another question. The Javelin, the 4th fish pictured above, is Barred or Silver? The spots arranged in vertical band along flanks look like Barred javelin. but the dark blotches on the dorsal fin and the fin shape looks like Silver javelin Confusing?
  13. found 3 pictures on net similar to the 3rd fish above http://www.gaiaguide.info/Group.html?groupId=pCmupEed
  14. Thanks all you guys. I thought all of these fishes are small species and can not grow too big, now I know I was wrong. After google "trumpeter", find that they can grow to a big one. So the fish in fig 1 is an infant! I went fishing 15th Dec night at Riedel park boat ramp. The water was very dirty. When I cast a net for live bait, I got fishes in fig 3, 4, 5 and some little breams in the first cast. Neither prawn nor herring. The second cast, I got 2 mud crabs and little breams. The 2 crabs were stacked together doing something good for their specie. They are solid but too small, around 15 cm. I had to cut some line and ruin my net to release them. All let go since some are too small and some I do not know what they are. Funny things, fishes and crabs but no bait I got in casting net after all. After all I had to use chicken meat as bait, get 5 good breams and a truck of .......huge catfishes. Eel tailed catfish's picture from DPI website is somehow different from the picture 2 above?
  15. Hi Drop Bear, Thanks for the info. Will have a look now.
  16. Many thanks, Davostephens and Hamish. With these IDs, now I can look into Fish species identification website for their details Thanks again.
  17. Could anybody help me to identify these fishes, please? Thanks in advance.
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