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Posts posted by Nickb

  1. 10 minutes ago, kmcrosby78 said:

    Well written, easy to read report mate and glad you got a couple of solid catties to save the donut. I can't help with advice but hope you get 'em next time. Sorry I can't be of help with advice. Oh and welcome to the forum (well, being an active member 🙂).

    Thanks mate, first time doing this sort of thing but thought it could be helpful to anyone else planning to fish the same sort of area (and vice versa if anyone here was a bit of a wiz in those parts). Always keen to gain more knowledge!

  2. 1 hour ago, Another Wazza said:

    Hi there Nick, excellent report on your day out fishing, 2 forkies still beats no fish at all.

    Ive never fished the river by kayak before, but I did do a bit of land based just downstream from Wivenhoe spillway, and Mt Crosby weir, this was back in the late 90’s early 2000’s, so I really don’t know how well it fishes now.

    Back then we did alright using spinner baits, and feeder crays purchased from a pet shop, there were plenty of quality Bass, and forkies to be caught, and on occasion, big Lungfish, the Lungies would leap like Barra once hooked and took quite some effort to subdue before being released.

    All the best on your quest for a wild Bass, given the amount of effort you put in on this trip, it’s only a matter of time really, good luck.

    Thanks mate, i have also had mates pull Lungies out of the Mt Crosby Weir in the 2000’s and hear they are a wild time! I’ve been apprehensive about fishing between the new/old Weirs due to the no fish zones and the information I’ve managed to gather has been clear as mud about where you can and can’t go. I think paddling from colleagues crossing up to the old weir could be on the cards soon too. Cheers

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