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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. I'm happy to say I'm yet to score that!
  2. Heading for a night fish tonight probably down at Wellington Pt or Manly Harbour anyone is welcome to join me :D

  3. Steve to the rescue!! So what are we thinking... Steak, Sausages, Chicken skewers etc?? IF anyone manages to get a decent catch of crab close to the day, or a haul of prawns they can most certainly be added to the mix!
  4. Look at that... This thread is officially HOT with 65 comments. Keep them coming! Reminder, if you would like to come and enjoy a catered lunch reply with your email address and I will send you an invoice. Adults $20 Kids 12 and under $10 (tiny people 0-5 Free).
  5. What can I say, it's a gift. Haha @ellicat TMC: Too Much Crabtalk!
  6. I was SPECIFICALLY talking about you Brian!
  7. I'm assuming one or more of you wonderful burley handsome men will sweat over the steaks while I fetch beers like a good little wench.
  8. So far we have 14 confirmed!!! There are a few who have said they're coming on Facebook but not through here. Like Angus said if you don't want the lunch feel free to BYO and come along anyway!!!
  9. Ah what a shame!!! Still be a top weekend for you two though!
  10. SUPER PSYCHED to be heading out on the water today with the notorious @benno573 & @ellicat Here's hoping for a brilliant day!

    1. Binder



      You will never be the same again.....   :frantics:

    2. Danielle


      Totally fabulous day out. Fishing was great, company was stellar. Right now all I can think of is bed and dirty jokes thanks to the gutter minds (I'm not much better than them!). I'm sure @ellicat and @benno573 will provide an appropriate report detailing far too many private moments... I shall work on a video!

  11. Yeeowwww!! A girl!!! I bags snuggles so Tanya can eat (fingers crossed)
  12. You'd better put your skates & your Baby Bjorn on then!
  13. They're STILL up there?? Good for them!!!! Really looking forward to the report! As for payment anytime before 13th November would be good.
  14. What about you guys @EZY @benno573 @Madmic @Old Scaley @Binder @Ovington @Uthrax @rayke1938 @Doyley @Cmaltby @hooklineandsinker @Dinodadog
  15. Don't quote me but I did hear that there will be a terrible plague of shingles in SE Qld between the 3-5 December... So you'd better call in sick.
  16. Such a bummer you can't make it @Luvit If I have anything to do with it there'll be another get together soon!
  17. First in, brilliant! Invoice sent.
  18. This will be combined with a swap meet so have a rummage and see if there is anything that could be re-homed! It would be great to support businesses within our little community so if you have a product or service you would like to donate for a raffle please PM me! @Madmic if you have any available stock and you can make it along I'm sure plenty of us would like to make a purchase! Also @bersim bring along some of your amazing lures!
  19. Come along for an awesome day out and catch up with friends old and new! The more the merrier so bring along partners, children, friends and show them what all the fuss is about! WHEN: 12pm Sunday 4th December WHERE: Lota Waterfront (end of Alexander St Lota) COST: Adults $20, Children 6-11 $10, Children 0-5 FREE The cost covers a generous BBQ lunch with meat, assorted salads and rolls. BYO drinks and chairs. Just reply with your email address if you're interested and I'll send you an invoice with payment details. An example of the invoice you will receive from Yes Chef Gourmet Meals (my business) is attached. Any profits from the day will go back to AFO. Danielle Angus edit: the park and facilities are very family orientated as well so feel free to bring the brood.
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