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Posts posted by l-likes-to-fish

  1. hi all i have recently purchased a quintrex vmax tinnie with a 6hp outboard (2stroke) and it has lost its shine if you guys have any tips or tricks on how to bring that shine back please let me know as well as tips on how to make the lighted marine flooring possible (that’s won’t rot and is relatively strong)

  2. 1 minute ago, l-likes-to-fish said:

    either a thermos of boiling water and a french press with some nespresso coffee ground or i had previously bought a small kettle and methanol cooktop to boil my water on the go (still french press as it is quick and easy)

    also i don’t enjoy powdered coffee hence the french press if you want something better than packet coffee pop down to kmart or woolies and you can pick up a cheap french press then all you need is your favourite brand coffeee grounds and should be set

  3. either a thermos of boiling water and a french press with some nespresso coffee ground or i had previously bought a small kettle and methanol cooktop to boil my water on the go (still french press as it is quick and easy)

  4. hi all i am getting more and more into my freshawater fishing and am wondering is anyone has any recommendations on baitcaster rod/reel combo or custom my budget would probably be around 100-175 but trying to get a good set up for not too much also if anyone has any lures line or generally tackle that they recommend for a first baitcaster please let me know it would be greatly appreciated, thanks

  5. depends what size fish you’re going to pull in but i personally prefer 2-4 a slighter higher capacity just gives you more range whilst still being able to flick lures quite well

    most penn carbon rods will be quite good and look at ugly stick aswell or even diawa if you’re willing to spend a bit more.

    for a good reel i would go any shimano 1000-3000, put a bit of neon braid on the reel with some 10-15 pound leader again if willing to spend a bit more a nice penn or diawa reel would be good, but i reccomend a shimano seinna or fx they are very good for the price

  6. hi, if you are looking for more of an offshore rod i must rccomend the ugly stick bluewater with really any sizeable shimano reel 5000 or higher i would say


    where as a river rod i am going to say ugly stick again but the gold ii with any diawa 2000 to possibly 4000 depending on what line your carrying 


    with a lighter reel i recommend a very light braid probably neon with maximum 30ib leader (river rod)


    and for an offshore rod with a big enough reel you could step up in line category probably to about 20ib to 30ib nylon with some thicker leader maximum 70ib 


    tackle will be important aswell for river fishing you will need some small swivels for your leader 1-3 hooks and 2-5 sinkers all depending on what fish you’re targeting a line size so on and then i would really recommend picking up a double clutch lure they are slightly pricy but are super easy to fish with and anything will go for them


    ofshore tackle i would say 4-6 sinkers with 4+ hooks and some solid leader the further out you go the bigger and stronger you will need

  7. hello, i am interested in crabbing and have some questions.

    what is the best beginner crab pots

    what is the best bait

    how to clean and prepare crabs and yabbies

    what are some good spots around the sunshine coast area

    what is the best length of rope to buy

    and just any tips and trick that you would like to share

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