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Everything posted by Ross.warwick

  1. 1. It's windy enough to blow a dog off a leash there. 2. I couldn't catch covid on a cruise ship. Just over an hour, all I got a a single hit from a small Flatty. Next time hopefully I'll get the bugger
  2. About to head out for my last fish before work starts. Hopefully Hayes Inlet produces the goods. Dohles rocks has given me nothing, except for 2 broken rods (thanks kids) and about 50 bucks worth of tackle and bait down the gurgler. At least the kids are outside.
  3. I'm in. Not sure how much use I'll be, but I'm in
  4. Put me down for Northside. I've only a few days left off work, but will try and make the most of it
  5. PB Flatty (61 cm plus) First: Tailor, Snapper, Jack, Jewie Go on a charter and catch something big!
  6. Hi, first time posting in a very long time, and onto an old thread at that Ive recently purchased myself a kayak and will be launching from Dohles Rocks, as its a 5 min drive down the road. Heading around the rocks themselves, Bald Hills creek, Freshwater creek and Hays Inlet. Can I assume the above tips are still pertinent. How is the fishing around these areas lately from the water? Ive not caught much from lad at allrecently. Thanks
  7. I got this one about 2 weeks back, got thrown off a few more times. Seems to be lots of babies around at the moment. Good for a bit of fun. Take the kids if they don't mind the mud.
  8. Hi guys, how's dohles Rocks going at the moment? I've caught a few small flattie there in the past, might revisit it soon.
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