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Posts posted by AUS-BNE-FISHO

  1. Gday benno

    Thanks for all those spots, i do go on holidays (normally annually) to Brunswick Heads and i do catch some bream, flathead, whiting and i have seen some people pulling up luderick. Though, the past times we've been there, the conditions have been dud (big swell and wind) so we've just done a bit downstream on the river. Still fish for jew and crab there too.

    Thanks for the other spots, i might try to plan something to there. It's just whether someone could be bothered to take me out there, cos normally if we aren't on holidays we'll just go to somewhere on the Brisbane River. (still quite successful, but very inconsistent with threadies/sharks). 

    You must be very experienced to know all those spots, i am in awe of your knowledge lol. Would you tend to use lure like soft plastics, metals or surf poppers. With rigs, i would assume star sinkers (paternoster rigs) and running sinker rigs to be the go?

    Once again, thanks a lot for all those spots, they will be a great help for my fishing. 🙂

    Cheers Hamish

  2. Hi all

     Does anyone have any tips for Yeppoon at about Christmas (we already have places and most things down pat) but i would like to work on three things.

    A. Catching livies, especially prawns, we normally get enough mullet, herring, etc - Places and what tide/time.

    B. Catching larger species, barra and threafin (which we already may encounter but not much) and maybe not in the Fitzroy as we might go there, just a small creek we can access land based (preferably not many crocs!)

    C. Catching more species like flathead and whiting. Once again, we already have some spots but maybe a surf beach or rock ledge.

  3. Ok, that would explain why I've never seen eel in a tackle shop before. Catching your own bait is very fun, i love the feeling when you get a cast net full of something or something on your line you can use again and say (whenever someone asks) "What're you using for bait" you can say "I caught it, it's a eel" etc. I'm not sure but I'm probably just not old enough to be left there with some of my mates so i'll see if my dad can take me tonight or tomorrow. You seem to have a good plan for going there and i like how it's landlocked (no current to worry about :).

    I will check out some bait shops too, as i'll go there if i don't have any luck. How big are the eels around there, too? I remember shark fishing for the first time, i had a big run (probably shark) but then i landed an eel probably excess of 1m. I let it go. Are most of the bait shops family run or are there a chain of them. It seems more likely a family run business would sell less common baits (but very good) more than somewhere such as BCF (which doesn't). I won't use berley then if it's not necessary, I've never noticed much difference wit it (unless I'm berleying up some catfish with bread, then they go crazy). 

    Cheers Hamish

    P.S. The bait shop on the GC sounds really good, if i go up for a holiday there sometime I'll certainly check it out. 

  4. Hi christophagus

    I am in Sherwood, so south side of Brisbane. 

    May you recommend some bait shops that sell eel as well, i have never seen any in one (I've only ever been to BCF's and Anaconda's though, i catch most of my bait lol)

    Thanks for that spot, I will give it a try. Though, what time/best conditions/tide would you recommend?

    I already have good stock of herring, i them caught at my local park, so I might chuck one out on a heavier rod with some lighter rods with bait such as red meat. Do you use berley like tuna oil or stuff more like old meat?

    Cheers Hamish

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