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Everything posted by Bob9863

  1. They are the two biggest I've seen there, they don't get very big in our lake due to massive numbers of small fish.
  2. Cheap chatterbaits seem to work as good as anything else.
  3. I went out with the wife for a few hours today in the new punt. We got 28 all up including two 1.5lb ones that are unusual for our area.
  4. It kicks back up, I've been on in under 30 seconds there before, for several casts in a row. After they give them their morning feed the action gets insane.
  5. I has a pretty good afternoon today, I lost two, one right at the net as I just couldn't get it in the bet due to the current, had him go in about 5 times but slip out when I tried to lift the net, and I lost another one when someone cast over me and got us tangled. But I moved down lower away from people and caught my 1st Rainbow in years, just kissing 3lb. Then to top it off about 10 casts later I thought I was onto another small one but it turned out to be just a hair under 7lbs. Decided to call it quits after that.
  6. Bob9863

    Leslie Cod

    Plenty like that get caught down here, and bigger. Not really my fish but for most people they are the #1 targeted species around here.
  7. Here's one from a few years back taken with my phone at a park I like going to with my BIL. Not many big fish, but a thousand good fish, just look at the feeding frenzy in the back ground. But 4 Min from cast to catching shows how good the action there gets. I think from memory we got over 30 between us in 3 hours fishing.
  8. It's great, I've got two that I go too where I'm always by myself. It's great fishing a, park like that with no other pressure or cast after cast stirring up the fish. But some of the more heavily fished smaller parks are great too, one that I like only has smaller Mekong catfish in it up to 25kg, but it's got an absolute ton of them and it's not uncommon to catch 30-40 in a, session. Brilliant fun on lighter gear, I've got some videos of that somewhere too.
  9. Both, the 1st one was bait at a little park in town, there's usually a few people fishing there but not crowded. It was actually on an episode of monster carp actually. The 2nd place you usually book it for yourself, they sell arapima to other fishing parks so they don't like to over fish theirs. That and they don't need to, they make the money selling arapima so the fishing is more just to cover operating costs. It's great fishing a big park like that all to yourself, there might be parks with bigger fish but this, place still has some good fish and it's, cheap and peaceful. You can actually walk around flicking lures, not just fishing from a set stand like you do at the big parks. They have also done a lot of work to the place since I was there last, built full guest facilities with shower, nice place to eat with fans and to keep the beer cold.
  10. Any day out on the water is a good day, bringing back a feed just makes it that little bit better.
  11. Here's a few videos from one days fishing a couple years back before covid from fishing in Thailand, and one from a small park in town. Nothing too big on film as I had real problems with the gopro batteries.
  12. I'm surprised actually, I'm pretty sure it's faster then the little tinnie. I adjusted the trim up a couple of positions and I think that helped out a lot. I still can't use WOT, it Max's out on speed at 2/3 revs. I might try find a 8 pitch prop for it.
  13. The little motor really pushes it along nicely.
  14. The wife an I decided to take the punt out today for a test run, we were hoping to go to the river but when we got there they had 8 gates open and the river was running fast. Not even the big boats went out, so we switched gear and went to the lake instead. We only had two hours on the water, but the little punt works a treat, very stable and just as fast as the tinnie with the little 2.5 yamaha 4 stroke pushing it. We cruised around for the 1st hour, then saw some friends fishing on the bank. So despite taking the wrong gear we decided to tie off to a tree and flick some plastics. We got ten in an hour so that was not too bad at all.
  15. The 1st one was a giant snake head and the way you work the lures there is really slow, they feed the fish small tilapia so they don't have to work hard for a feed.
  16. I was doing a little search on spinning reels for Arapima, and came across this little gem. It's actually given me a little bit to think about actually, I wanted to know if anyone was using a 4000 Stella for them. This chick is actually using a 2000 Stella with 30lb braid on a 8kg rod at one of my favourite fishing parks. So a 4000 Stella with 60lb braid on a 10-18kg rod will do the job there and at other parks with bigger fish.
  17. No, been running a 5000 Vanford on the new Nitro Distance Spin. I'm looking at getting a Shimano Twin Power for it. Half the price and almost as good, and I don't really need the top of the range for this sort of fishing.
  18. Had a pretty decent day today, nothing with much size but I got one 2lb, one 2.7lb and one dead on 3.2lb.
  19. In the Murry River , Keiwa River, calm parts on the Hume dame, a few other rivers and some calm backwaters and duck swamps. But 90% of it will be in the Murray.
  20. Another option is take a 2nd heavy rod, run a live bait on a 100lb wire trace while your fishing for other stuff, it's a lot of fun catching a land based shark. That reminds me I need to do a post about that.
  21. Finally got around to doing a bit of work on it, and now it's ready. The previous owner welded a plat over the bung hold so I fitted a screw in one, gave it a paint job, adjusted to motor trim and fitted some rod holders. Now it's ready for the river.
  22. I always tie my sinkers on with light line too, usually 6lb joined by a double uni knot using just 3 twists so it's a real weak point.
  23. Bull shark would be my guess, anything under 200lb leader and it won't be on for long.
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