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Everything posted by Bob9863

  1. Nice salt water Barra, definitely better eating then the freshwater ones.
  2. Never dismiss shallow waters, they are great feeding grounds and can have some big predators in them.
  3. The 1st lure is a home made lead fish, it's a #3 barrel sinker painted gold with a couple of duck feathers on the sides and #4 assist hooks. The 2nd one is a Jj's lures copper plated casting spoon once again with assist hooks. I catch them in the lake, at the weir and down the river at a couple of other spots. I've got to get back into the streams but unfortunately they are all flooded atm.
  4. Ironically when they are out of season. So August and September are probably the best months. Although you can still keep them from the lake and that's also the best time to fish for them there too.
  5. They are a nice fish, I used to like catching them over artificial reefs but land based would definitely be better.
  6. Got another 5lb trout today, I initially thought it was much much bigger but it turned out I had foul hooked it in the gill with the stringers so the fight was twice as hard. I also picked up another little 2.5lb brown in the afternoon.
  7. That's it, if you fish every day then they can be useful, I know when I was in Darwin and going out after work most days if it said it was a bad day's fishing then I did something else. When it said it was, hit it really was. But if you go fishing when you can, then it's best not to look at them. I find it has an impact on how you fish, if your expecting a bad day then you don't tend to put in the right level of effort as your not expecting anything. But you definitely don't fish the same when you don't have that expectation of a bite, that expectation is what drives you from cast to cast.
  8. The market is getting tight, the big manufacturers are all rolling out 10 year warranties just to stay in the game.
  9. I actually forgot the best part about the day, I was spending the day doing things with the wife when she decided she wanted to mow the lawn, so she told me I should go fishing. You don't get an offer like that very often.
  10. I finished my morning job off early and had a few hours to kill before the afternoon one started, so I popped down to the river for a bit. It was a pretty good day, caught 3 small 2lb-2.5lb trout and one little redfin along with a pretty decent 5.1lb brown trout. Not a bad way to spend the day, I got some JJ's lures copper plates lead fish, kind of like a really heavy spoon and the damn things were on fire. Definitely using them again, actually I went to my local and cleared them off the shelf. Going to try the chrome ones too.
  11. When I lived in Darwin I could take it as gospel, but now I'm down here it doesn't work. Seems to be a salt water thing.
  12. I'm looking for some lead molds to make either casting lures, flashers, heavy jigs or long barrel sinkers. Need a cast weight between 20gm-40gm. Anyone has one they don't mind parting with then let me know.
  13. 55cm-75cm, so it was right in the butter zone for eating, but unfortunately the season is currently closed.
  14. Had a rather unexpected catch today, an 8lb 58cm murry cod, not really unexpected from the murry River but very unexpected coming out of the rapids. Unfortunately the season is closed so it went back in but I was paid back 3 casts latter with a 3.5lb yellow belly.
  15. If you can catch a few small catfish to use as bait they are absolutely irresistible to barra. I've caught a lot using them over the years, but you will pick up the odd shark too.
  16. Bob9863

    A new PB

    Got back to the river after a bit of a break and scored myself a new PB Yellow Belly at 6.4lbs. Got 3 little trout and a redfin as well but damn this had me feeling pretty good until a bloke near me caught a 13.5lb one. But I guess that gives me plenty of room for improvement in the future.
  17. Rainbow's are the best eating, I'd rather eat one of them then a big brown. But unless the wife wants one they all go back in.
  18. Popped out for a flick this afternoon, great being so close to the river. Not a lot happening but still managed a 3lb rainbow so I'm happy with that. Very few rainbow trout get caught here so it's nice to find a stretch that's holding them.
  19. Pretty good get away and some really nice yellows there.
  20. It's a bit like cod or trout around here, if you aren't getting snagged then your not fishing in the right place. If you want to catch fish then you can't be afraid of loosing gear.
  21. Pretty good day and and some pretty good fish.
  22. Kept em all, it's preferred that you don't let them go as they are a pest. My wife and her friends eats them any size, they butterfly them, brine them dry them in the sun and then fry them up. They eat them bones and all.
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