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Everything posted by ellicat

  1. Haha. Ok. I am a type of tree.
  2. We have a winner. Over to you @dmck
  3. Not a bat. Clue 8: Some things I have are much bigger than my cousin's.
  4. Very warm - more info needed.
  5. Not a cat. Clue 7: I eat a lot of food.
  6. Not a mole/shrew, but you are correct about seeing me in zoos.
  7. Not a Rabbit. Clue 6: I am mainly hairless with lots of wrinkles.
  8. Not a Noisy Miner (They are native). Clue 5: I am a land mammal with four legs and a relatively short tail.
  9. Not a rat. Clue 4: I am generally grey in colour.
  10. Not a cane toad. Clue 3: I'm a mammal.
  11. Not a dingo. Clue 2: I'm not a native animal, but you can see me in Australia.
  12. Everyone out for a few Christmas crabs. Good to hear you got a share.
  13. The most important fishing friends. Good onya, Jono.
  14. We have a winner. Over to you, @Jono4500 --- (or I'll do another one at 15:00)
  15. Not a dolphin. Clue 2: I am found in the Indo-West Pacifc.
  16. So, with things a bit slow, here's a bit of light fun - What am I ? First clue: I am a sea creature
  17. Better than a donut. Dollies are great on the plate, so glad you got a feed.
  18. Sounds like a top motor. I just had a Google of them. They sound like the bomb, but out of my price range, unfortunately. I'd like a look sometime, so if we can match a ramp and launch day that would be good.
  19. What size is the motor ? Did it hold easily ? 54 is a good squire for the river. Just right for a feed.
  20. Great way to start the day. I've just returned from a 6 day trip on Moreton Island and started each day with a session chasing flatties the same way. Should be compulsory.
  21. A few sessions saved by some bullies. A 50+ tailor is a good fish for the river.
  22. I'd say the same day you post that pic. Seriously, I'm told the repair will be soon. Great fish and well angled by the sounds of things.
  23. Spare spools are the way to go. Just Google what reel you have and add "spare spool" to the search. If they are available, that is the best way to find them. Other than spare spools, you can buy extra outfits so you end up with 20 rods and reels, like most of us.
  24. Out for a duck ! Not the form we're used to, but I'm sure you'll be catching plenty of those 12,000 in years to come.
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