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Everything posted by ellicat

  1. I think your concern is warranted, re affecting the knot. There are different types of swivels that can be used other than the regular snap swivels. Hawaiian snap swivels, for example - https://www.anglerswarehouse.com.au/shogun-hawaiian-snap These will not unclip. Personally, I find it much quicker to just tie a new loop knot each time. Playing around with split rings is a pain for me.
  2. They sure do. Every time they pull you up for a look they check the life jackets thoroughly - both MSQ and Water Police. I have mine professionally serviced and certified and have had to provide the certificate to them on more than one occasion.
  3. That's a good plan. Way better than wanting to surf more. Haha
  4. Haha. Poor bugger. He mustn't have been watching closely enough. Sounds like a good feed tonight. ??
  5. You are forgiven. Haha Perhaps you could troll whilst surfing ??
  6. Sounds like a salt session at Mud Island. Still good to be out there.
  7. That's a big trip, but those islands look inviting and I take it the barra and jacks will be a target in the estuary ??
  8. Hey, tailor are a comp fish. Some ok sessions, but it seems you should be dropping some pots in.
  9. I suggest that would be 100% correct. haha
  10. Hey @Ross.warwick, would you like to join in the comp we're currently running ? -
  11. Thanks, Hamish. We were at the same area @charlie.hans.fishing and I fished when you were on @Old Scaley's boat last month.
  12. Fish at least 50 times. Land a big snapper on a lure/plastic. Get some good macks.
  13. You only get one short shot at life, so do more of what you love.
  14. Well, I headed out with that Northsider @benno573 for a sneaky session last night. Two entries to Benno, with a 49cm snapper and a 36cm breambo. I was fortunate enough to jag my PB flathead, too - 73.5cm.
  15. Welcome to the AFO forum, @Churchy. I'm glad to hear the hiatus is over ! You're moving to a beaut part of the World, too. Have you retired ?
  16. Good luck, but we don't have a grunter category, unfortunately. Maybe a flathead ?
  17. Amputee style. I'll put it on my key ring. Haha
  18. I forgot as well. Had to take the pics when at home.
  19. I can't comment on the hull and weld quality as I've never heard of them before, but it is certainly a nicely setup looking rig. Best bet is to take it for a water test. Preferably when it's not calm. Pull the bungs after the water test to ensure it is dry. Can't go wrong with a Yamaha motor.
  20. I went out to Mud then the Port area today. Managed a feed and a couple of entries for the snapper - 1 x 52 and 1 x 46. I didn't measure the rest.
  21. Good day out. Is the dam spilling ?
  22. The Southside Consensus Committee (SCC) will decide that at the conclusion. haha
  23. Good work, guys. Any fish on a lure is a win. Get well soon.
  24. Please note, your little finger cannot be used as a measure.
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