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    shortie reacted to ellicat in Advice to deckies spots   
    I have only one expectation for any of my deckies....they row home :pinch: :whistle:
  2. Like
    shortie reacted to regulated in Funnies 2   
  3. Like
    shortie reacted to fishingnut in Funnies 2   
    1. What do you call a pantry full of lesbians?
    A licker cabinet.

    2 What do you call an Eskimo lesbian?
    A Klondyke.

    3. What do you call 100 lesbians with guns?
    Militia Etheridge.

    4. Why can't lesbians diet and wear make-up at the same time?
    Because they can't eat Jenny Craig with Mary Kay on their face.

    5. What do you call two lesbians in a canoe?
    Fur Traders.

    6. What do you call a lesbian with long fingers?
    Well Hung.

    7. Did you hear that Ellen DeGeneres drowned?
    She was found face down in Ricki Lake.

    8. What do you call lesbian twins?

    9. What's the definition of confusion?
    Twenty blind lesbians in a fish market.

    10. What's the difference between a Ritz cracker and a lesbian?
    One's a snack cracker; the other's a crack snacker.

    11. What do you have when you've got 50 lesbians and 50 Council workers?
    100 people that don't do dyck.
  4. Like
    shortie reacted to Bill_V in Catching beach worms   
    Usually I catch them on open beaches with a bit of surf and I use a string bag with fish frames or a 1kg of pilchards. Receding tide is a must. If you waft the bag around as the waves recede then you will see them stick their heads up. At this point I grab half a pillie and try to get them to latch onto it. Once they have a grip you will see them arch their backs, this is when I grab them between my thumb and fore finger and pull up in one constant motion. This is alot trickier than it sounds and you will miss alot of worms before you actually get one. Once you get your first one you will get a feel for it. It takes a fair bit of practice to get it right.

    I don't reckon you will get them at the beaches you mention as you want a bit of surf and constant movement of water. My favourite places to go worming are Teewah and rainbow beaches and Fraser has really big worms but obviously takes a little more effort to get there to get them.

    Good luck,

  5. Like
    shortie reacted to rinkerdink in Catching beach worms   

    I've been reading river to reef and the section about catching your own beach worms. It says to wash some bait in the receeding tide until you see them start to pop up then move the bait closer to them to get them to poke out before pulling them out. I was thinking of having a go at this tomorrow and just wondered if anybody had any tips on where I should try and baits to use? I was thinking of fish flavour cat food or maybe some raw chicken? I was going to try the beaches margate and redcliffe.

    What do you reckon?
  6. Like
    shortie got a reaction from Leighton in Show us your Dogs   
    the puppy is now 12 onths old

  7. Like
    shortie got a reaction from Surfingant in Show us your Dogs   
    the puppy is now 12 onths old

  8. Like
    shortie reacted to Bommie in Funnies 2   
  9. Like
    shortie got a reaction from ellicat in Show us your Dogs   
    Nice Alpaca :whistle:
  10. Like
    shortie reacted to e-fish-n-sea in Show us your Dogs   
    shes a sable German shepherd we have been looking for one for a while and always been to slow at getting there this time we had a choice of 3 .
  11. Like
    shortie got a reaction from e-fish-n-sea in Show us your Dogs   
    Nice Alpaca :whistle:
  12. Like
    shortie got a reaction from fishingnut in Show us your Dogs   
    Nice Alpaca :whistle:
  13. Like
    shortie got a reaction from TLJD in Show us your Dogs   
    The proof

  14. Like
    shortie got a reaction from battlescar in Fishing Forum Wanted   
  15. Like
    shortie got a reaction from Zim man in Fishing Forum Wanted   
  16. Like
    shortie got a reaction from Gad in Fishing Forum Wanted   
  17. Like
    shortie reacted to Angus in Fishing Forum Wanted   
    This is an interesting topic and one that has been discussed and contemplated by me often. As has been previously stated by webby and others, with such a huge range of members, despite some people believing their opinions or views should be unanimously accepted, this will never be the case. Sometimes it's better to just ignore a post/thread if you find you don't agree with the sentiment. I find myself doing this a lot more these days. For example, instead of having a whinge in a political thread about why people are talking politics on a fishing site, how about read a fishing thread instead?

    This being said, there is only one to ensure the website remains the way we all want it despite our personal convictions, and thats to keep posting and reporting. There has been in the past a couple of members who have ceased to post becuase they felt hard done by, ignored, or believed the general sentiment of the site was not going their way. Well there is no faster way to put a nail into the coffin than by removing the very sentiment from the site you agree with!

    By going quiet and becoming a lurker, you are single handidly ensuring the content remains less than what it could be.

    I firmly believe on this site that activity fuels activity. Do more reports and more will be made. Encourage newer members with tips and advice and maybe a deckie spot (not spot x's ), and these members could be the gun members of next year and may be passing tips back to you and doing awesome reports to satisfy your interest (this has certainly happened to me many times). No one (except maybe that banned Jesus fellow) is born with god given fishing knowledge so be patient and encouraging with novice efforts as opposed to arrogant and let the angler gain experience in his own time. We were all novices once. In short its not a magazine. There more you put into this the more you will get out.

    I would strongly urge more of the lurkers and infrequent posters to contribute more in this sense. You may feel you get what you need out of the site without having to bother, but it would be shame if one the day the site was just not here to feed your passion due to lack of perceived interest. This is not really a threat or worry as the site is statistically growing, however think what it could be!

    I have had several PM's in the past from quiter or new members commenting on how there is a bit of a "boys club" on here. I can assure you this is only brought about by familiarity among members, not the wish to exclude others. Breaking into this so called "boys club" is as simple as coming along to one social or event and having a beer (I am sure those who have taken a punt and attened any official or unofficial event can attest to this). The vast majority of members that attend such events are more than welcoming to new members. Keyboard warriors are also conspicously absent at tangible events as well Can I also suggest this to any and all members anyway as once you attend such an event your online experience will be enhanced simply by the fact that you are more than just a funny username to many. With this familiarity comes a greater desire to answer your questions, help you find a spot and maybe even give you new people to fish with.

    RE the Monthly Comps, obviously due to a contentious call recently this has gone a bit quiet. Admin are meeting ASAP to discuss and improve the rules for these comps as well as tie them better into the physical events so the standard is clear cut and easy for members to follow. We ask for patience while we do this as we all work full time jobs not at all AFO related, and will convene when we are physically able. If members decide the boycott the monthly competitions for whatever reasons the only thing this will ensure is a termination of their existance.

    ONTHECHEW: Thanks for the thought provoking thread. I no way aim any "lack of contribution" towards you as your reports I know for sure entertain and motivate many AFO members on a regular basis (me included).

    Sorry for this rant and I hope it has made sense to some and might even encourage others to get a bit more active. This website is labour of love for us and I often reflect fondly on the top blokes I have met and fishing experiences I have gained from it. I sincerely dread the day with the cons outweigh the pros and its just not worth it anymore.

  18. Like
    shortie got a reaction from ellicat in Show us your Dogs   

  19. Like
    shortie got a reaction from Rocket75 in Show us your Dogs   

  20. Like
    shortie got a reaction from Genesis in Show us your Dogs   
    [video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]Em3eLWtItDg

    ITs all good fun till someone gets hurt
  21. Like
    shortie got a reaction from ellicat in Show us your Dogs   
    [video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]Em3eLWtItDg

    ITs all good fun till someone gets hurt
  22. Like
    shortie got a reaction from Rocket75 in Show us your Dogs   
    [video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]Em3eLWtItDg

    ITs all good fun till someone gets hurt
  23. Like
    shortie got a reaction from DKW83 in job at anaconda or bcf !   
    to get a job at BCF or Anaconda will wil need to have no knowledge on fishing.
  24. Like
    shortie got a reaction from tomca in job at anaconda or bcf !   
    to get a job at BCF or Anaconda will wil need to have no knowledge on fishing.
  25. Like
    shortie got a reaction from planetfonz in job at anaconda or bcf !   
    to get a job at BCF or Anaconda will wil need to have no knowledge on fishing.
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