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Everything posted by Kat

  1. No squid night or morning. No yabbies. 1 barely legal Bream and two sliced fingers! Still loving it. Trying a different spot tomorrow...
  2. Apparently good sized tiger squid are about so heading down to fish off a mates beach at about 10pm. Hope to be posting pics tomorrow
  3. Cheers Daryl Maybe next week. I have just arrived at McLeay Island and going to try and find some land based fishing here for the next few days. Still have no idea what I am doing but getting out there anyway. Wish me luck!
  4. Yep. I tried to find some of those spots two days ago and caught lots of weed
  5. Thanks ellicat. I will have a look and give it a go.
  6. Thanks. Uni knot looks easy so I will start giving that a go. Cheers!
  7. Thanks. Great advice and now I have even more research to do . I was lucky to be given the book Hamlyn Fishing Knots. On advice I am using the Albright for joining my braid to mono leader. From reading the book I chose the clinch knot (half blood knot) for hooks and swivels and the Rapala knot for my soft lures with jigheads. So far they have all held really well. Why does everyone on the forum keep saying uni knot? Because of ease or strength or both?
  8. Hi Hamish Thanks for the tips. You mentioned live bait and so have a few videos. I don't have a yabbie pump but I know that they are within walking distance of my house. Do you catch your own live bait?
  9. Hi All I'm Katrina and haven't fished since I was about 20 back in NZ - 20 something years ago. Back then it was fishing with the boys and all I learned was one knot and how to cast. I loved it so much I decided it was time to take it seriously and learn the sport. I purchased my gear last week and have been obsessed ever since. I have been watching YouTube clips and reading fishing knot books. There is so much to know. I am hoping other members may be able to share knowledge, tips and maybe even offer to buddy up for a trip or two occasionally. I would especially like tips on snags (how to avoid them), cleaning gear, and threading bait. I am land based around the GC but also have family on an Island in Moreton Bay with a boat so intend on exploring the fishing there too. I caught a Bream on my second trip (1st fish caught in Aussie)! Also scaled, gutted and filleted it myself (also a first)! Would love to hear from anyone with good land based spots for beginners? Cheers Kat
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