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Everything posted by Kat

  1. Wow I have actually used this site for weeks but didnt know there was a help section - thanks. More reading to do! Cheers Kat
  2. How long is the "lull"?
  3. So it is what I thought - run in is when the tide is from low to high and run out is the opposite.
  4. Hi Guys (and girls? I still have trouble with some of the fishing lingo/terminology when reading posts or online articles etc. Some help please - firstly tides - quote from article: "Fish the tidesThe more productive times are the first half of the run-in and the second half of the run out tides" If high tide was at 11am today what times would I fish if I took the above advice?
  5. Hi @DropBear. You had to ask! I googled penis shaped fishing lures. Couldn't find any local but I will ask my local tackle shop when I am there next he has thousands of different lures. https://www.wish.com/product/5e10a0267a9e8a2e033de501?from_ad=goog_shopping&_display_country_code=AU&_force_currency_code=AUD&pid=googleadwords_int&c={campaignId}&ad_cid=5e10a0267a9e8a2e033de501&ad_cc=AU&ad_curr=AUD&ad_price=7.00&campaign_id=8688997340&guest=true&exclude_install=true&gclid=CjwKCAjwiOv7BRBREiwAXHbv3J16LtGaXx3U94qBOsoQjuRbL9o5n8kIuEQ53-ECG4nKgKpYDmB2dhoC1tYQAvD_BwE&hide_login_modal=true&share=mobileweb
  6. Hi Hamish I was wondering the same thing - but mostly wondering what on earth the designer was thinking? I am baffled.
  7. Hi @kmcrosby78 I am not sure I like the way you have put quote marks around the words "stumbled upon" - it denotes sarcasm. Are you saying we are some kind of degenerates trolling the web for this type of thing? I certainly do not - but Greg.....well he seemed to "find" that article pretty quickly. It is almost like it was saved in favourites or something. Lol
  8. Hi @AUS-BNE-FISHO Do you like Sashimi with wasabi and soy sauce?
  9. Sorry couldn't help myself - reminded me of an art installation in a busy commercial suburb back home - Council paid $200,000.00 for: https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-31164143
  10. Are they for catching wobbedong? Lol
  11. I was browsing some online tackle shops and came across these very interesting shaped Lures - I wonder if they work well? LMAO
  12. Hey skipper - you won if we are measuring quantity
  13. Kat

    Mo Tackle

    Hey Hamish - reading between the lines - pretty sure @Sneaky1is co-owner of the Company and his "boss" is his wife. So yeah not really a great idea
  14. I feel mean. I should be writing it - you wrote the last one ... But I am old and tired
  15. Me too! I have finally washed the Brisbane River mud off me .
  16. Poor Hamish - homework in the school holidays
  17. Hi @samsteele115 I had a great time! The whole day was both fun and "interesting" - I have been reading about stepping on Rays when wading and when we had to push the boat I have to admit I was a little bit nervous. Got some hookups that felt really big (compared to what I am used to on land anyway). Hamish failed to mention (probably being polite) that I probably lost them because my drag was too loose. Lesson learned - Greg checked the drag, showed me how tight it should be and next time I will be ready! It has been awesome meeting everyone - a great bunch of blokes. Cheers Kat
  18. Hey Hamish - it is not definitely a juvenile Samson
  19. Also this is interesting..... fact_sheet_samson_fish(1).pdf
  20. Search Samson fish in this pdf - have a picture of a juvenile. I am really confused now fop103(1).pdf
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