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Everything posted by Kat

  1. Kat

    Rigs - Help

    Thanks Jon. I will try that tomorrow morning! Cheers Kat
  2. Kat

    Rigs - Help

    Actually Hamish plenty of fish have eaten them! Just not my hook . Thanks I am quite proud to be out in that mud getting my free bait - it was my second attempt - it is a good workout! Cheers Kat
  3. Kat

    Rigs - Help

    This is all I have managed to haul in lately
  4. Kat

    Rigs - Help

    Wow guys. Thanks for all the help. Not a good day weather wise for fishing so havent any leaderboard photos to post. Hamish - BTW - your explanation was very well written! Easy to understand. I'm impressed.
  5. Kat

    Rigs - Help

    Thanks Guys! I am off out with some burley for the first time and trying some stinky cheese and bread - an italian fisherman swears by. Wish me luck.
  6. Kat

    Rigs - Help

    Okay. So I have Braid to Fluro/Mono (whatever you call it. The first bit of fluro is about the length of my rod then I have the swivel, then another bit of mono about 30 to 50cm long - the last part is called the leader right (or trace)? God I feel stupid
  7. Kat

    Rigs - Help

    More pictures in case that helps....
  8. Hi Everyone Having no-one to help with learning the ropes I have mainly relied on advice from this forum and books. Can anyone please tell me what the squiggly lines in the rigs throughout this book represent???? Example page attached. Not all of the rigs shown in the book have squiggly lines. Help please Kat
  9. Hiya Put me down for Southside please. Going to a new spot today - you never know beginners luck? Any wins for the team with the smallest fish caught
  10. Thanks for the detailed description. I will give it a go. Cheers Kat
  11. Hi Hamish I would like to hear from others since I was a lawyer in NZ before coming to GC - wouldn't it be embarrassing if I was interpreting it incorrectly! Cheers Katrina P.s. hope I am wrong cause really would like to use a cheap homemade bottletrap...
  12. Hi Hamish Yes. So the way I read the regs is that the list of equipment allowed to be used for fishing is listed in the regs under fresh and salt or tidal waters. It is not a list of prohibitions. There are certainly some specific prohibitions written in the regs but it is mainly listing what is allowed. They have only listed traps for crabbing in saltwater or tidal or trapping in general in freshwater. Therefore traps are not allowed in saltwater or tidal waters except for crabbing. That is how I read it. I will do some more research and let you know. Cheers Katrina
  13. True but I am so addicted I still carried on fishing and thought what the hell!
  14. Hi Hamish Thanks for that. I was thinking of the bottle trap as it is cheap and I have seen heaps of places near me I could use it. But when I looked at the fishing regulations it seemed that you could only use traps for Crabs in Queensland - have I got that wrong? I did read it about five times to be sure? Cheers Katrina
  15. Hi All After watching numerous videos, reading articles and speaking to fishos I am still wanting further guidance. I have heard from so many people that live bait is the best and as I live 5 min walk from prime yabbie territory I finally decided to buy a yabbie pump. My brother in-law pumped yabbies as a kid and was a champ. I will master the art in time - BUT , my two fishing trips with the live yabbies were completely unsuccessful. I think I have now mastered the art of rigging them so they are reasonably secure and still wriggling - but I am not even sure if they are still on the line after casting. I caught two miniature bream. Mostly I don't even feel nibbles. I am going to the beach tomorrow to try worming (don't laugh) . I haven't looked at catching live bait fish yet - I thought I would try a trap but then found out they are illegal in QLD. Any advice on bait and baiting the hook or links to good videos or articles would be appreciated.
  16. Thanks for posting this Greg. Pulled up to a local spot for a fish a couple of days ago - it had just started raining and was filling up the yabby bucket with some fresh water and I hear some thunder. Thought of your post and my anxiety levels rose quite high!
  17. Sorry. Autocorrect again. Bream was pan fried!
  18. Yes. Hamish it does make me feel good! But you can reach so many more places with a boat of some description. The bream was good pantries we baked the flathead in butter with some slices of lime. Pretty good but will try barbecue for the flathead next time I think.
  19. Decided to hop on the ferry from Macleay Island to Karragarra Island this morning a couple of hours before high tide. My mum and her friend came along to keep me company. My mum's friends husband headed out on the bay in a mates boat to a special spot. I fished one of the little beaches. Landed my first flathead. Just over 45cm. No fight whatsoever - wasn't even sure there was a fish on the line. After a while going up the beach and getting no bites I returned to the spot where I got the flathead. Mum wanted to go to the toilet so I went with her. Her friend asked if she could have a go so I cast for her. Briefly told her what to do if she felt anything on the line and left. Came back to her jumping up and down about not being able to kill it - she landed a decent sized Bream. Anyway line was all tangled around my reel and had to give it up for the day. Travelled back to mums, scaled, gutted fish. Awaiting her friends hubbies arrival he had been out for hours longer than us. Thought he must be filleting at his mates. But they had no luck. I feel a little better about land based fishing now!
  20. **** - auto correct - was supposed to say deckie
  21. Would absolutely love to come and be a decline. But need to be taught how first! My hubby passed a couple of years ago so no worries there! Currently pretty free, not working -some volunteering and babysitting for my sis. Let me know when and where! But I am pretty attached to my fingers....
  22. Bugger. Has she been boating? Taken to a nice secluded sandy beach? Maybe you could try before you buy. Anyway good luck to you. But I guarantee anything where she thinks she will be left at home with the kids by herself is going on the cons side of the list!
  23. The Rock is huge. Like I said barely legal. Yeah fish blood - mine came later in the avo. Put it this way the fish bled less than I did.
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