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Posts posted by mangajack

  1. For spinning off the rocks I would opt for 8-15kg in 8'6" to 9' and I would run 15kg 8 or 9 strand braid for the thin slick casting capabilities.

    Longtails are not difficult to land off the stones if you can keep them from going around a rock..

    Mackeral are straight forward and seldom a problem if you don't get bitten off in the first few seconds.

    Jew are not difficult to land, more difficult to find and hook well.

    Yellowtail kingfish can be quite difficult over about 80cm because they will run to rock. No chance of landing one over 1.2m in my experience......they used to be common that size in the early 80's before bloody NSW allowed fish traps for YTK....that screwed them within a decade.

    Often times you will find bustups 10m outside your best casting distance....not much you can do about that outside of getting a bigger berley trail happening to bring the bait closer.

    Avoid getting a setup with line too strong to break off, it is dangerous and not necessary...my heaviest was 24kg line and to break that I had to wrap the line around the gaff to break it...too damn strong.

  2. 5 hours ago, Bobby W said:


    Scents on dead baits?


    Scent at any time can not hurt.

    If you have a whiting patch sand bar that dries in your area, bury some fish frames or prawn and crab shells  within casting distance and fish a a metre or so down current of the scent....

    This has worked for me several times in the past where the fish are scattered.

    It does concentrate the smalls too unfortunately    but the bigger ones are there too.

  3. I am far from a whiting guru but I do quite well....I just dig local worms to use and I put just enough worm on to cover a #4 mustad demon circle hook.

    I don't care if they die, the worms are eaten within 2 minutes anyway.

    I think for sand whiting it is scent before anything other senses.

    Next time you are on a flat with clear water and a foot deep, drop a sent bomb out and watch what the whiting do.....they trace that scent quite quickly.

  4. Well I have always been a sucker for using really light lines and lightly weighted baits....until the last 4 months.

    Lately I have been fishing ridiculously heavy jigs with smaller that I would usually use plastics with rather surprising results.

    My technique isn't a whole lot different but have certainly upped the line weight and jig weights up from 3.5gm to 32 gm. I'm usinfg20-30lb braid a lot these days instead of 8lb.

  5. 3 hours ago, AUS-BNE-FISHO said:

    Good stuff @mangajack. Do you ever see any threadfin feeding under the lights when the tailor are there? 

    Hi Hamish, only in the city reaches for me and not when I've been actually fishing.....nearly all of my Brisbane river fishing is below the gateway bridge to the bay. The guy to talk to would be Joshua Charles BrizVegas fishing....he  has a couple of youtube vids of surface threadies in the bris riv.

  6. Hook up with one of the guides at Rocky...what you learn there will be applicable for the entire Qld salt water scene as far as barra and threadies goes...snapper are too easy, find a reef and throw a 90mm plastic in front of them.

    River togas are where it is at rather than impoundment togas....again ask the guide at Rocky for some rivers that have been fishing well.

    Rocky to the coast is about the best fishery along the east coast now for big fish....

    If you have time spare and the weather isn't blowing it's tits off then Stanage Bay is a special place...when it fires...for me it is 2 out of 6 runs I couldn't buy a bite, the other 4 runs were excellent.

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