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Posts posted by AUS-BNE-FISHO

  1. Hi GregOug

    I probably won't be much help but I'd go with a spin reel, and maybe one overhead. It depends on your preference, I'd say.

    I would have (most likely a Shimano) spooled with thirty-fifty pound braid, and you could either run a light strand of wire (mackerel, wahoo, etc) or some mono/fluorocarbon for tuna. In terms of reel sizes, a 5000 to 6000 would be my preference. I think any diving hardbodies/spoons would work, imitating the colour of bait around. 

    I'm not sure if you've already read this site, but it is very informative and helpful:  http://wp.fishingmonthly.com.au/2018/02/02/school-mackerel-on-spoons/

    Hope this helped 🙂 

    Cheers Hamish

  2. Hey Breaming with Bro

    That's a nice way to get into fishing, I was introduced to it by skull dragging in catfish on prawns on handlines 😉 I got a setup (telescopic shimano) that lasted for a good couple of years, then for Christmas I got a Shimano Sienna which was also used to skull drag up catfish, as well as bream, crabs, cod, flathead and river perch (the odd vermin too LOL).  I eventually learnt the correct way (pump/lift then wind going down). How did everyone else start fishing?

    I use J-braid for my mainline to, or Platypus braid (my preferred brands). My leaders are Black Magic, Pryml and some more Platypus stuff. I've caught bream on bread to, my most memorable one was when I took my telescopic (only a couple years ago) in my backpack, on the ferry and to the botanic gardens. I caught it on my last piece too 🙂 A general rule is the lighter you can go the better, but some fish do require heavier leader, like flathead or cod. Thanks for sharing the story, 🙂 

    Cheers Hamish

  3. Hi Towknee

    After big rain, most fish like whiting (or fish that like clean water) will go to cleaner water. That's where I'd be looking. In the murkier water, a lot of things from upstream of the Brisbane River will be around the port (jewfish, threadfin salmon, cod, bream, flathead). Live baiting or soft vibes would be what I'm using, that way the fish isn't relying on dropping the bait on there heads, they can feel it. Otherwise, using baits would be my best tip. I'm sure someone else will be able to help you a bit more, and as a general rule pelagics don't like dirty water either.

    Like tugger said, the crabs and prawns will be on. Dirty water normally fires up crabs and prawns, and you will be able to score a feed of tasty crustaceans (hopefully 🙂) I'd hope to get out soon too, it would be a bit of an experiment throwing my net out of the kayak though LOL. 

    Cheers Hamish 🙂 

  4. 9 hours ago, Junky said:

    Good stuff.



    I noticed in the post about your sienna misfortune that you threw it in the bin. 

    If for some reason in the future you decide to chuck a reel out....let us know. May even give you some coin for it. 



    Yeah, I agree with that. You might've gotten a refund from a member 🙂 

    Cheers Hamish

    21 minutes ago, rayke1938 said:

    The new alvey spin reel reviews are reading well plus you are supporting local Brisbane company

    Wow, I also didn't know Alvey was making spin reels - might have to look into getting one.

    Cheers Hamish

  5. Hi Breaming with Bro

    I don't know too many reels (that I have experience with) that are small. But i can give you a couple good ones. The Shimano Nasci works really well and if spooled with good, thin braid it will cast excellent. It can fight good fish, I have mine on an 8ft Ugly Stik rod and it goes great for whiting, bream, flathead and all bread and butter species. I would suggest it if you want another Shimano reel.

    On the other hand, the Diawa Shinobi works very well. It can pull up fish, mine is paired with a graphite rod. It casts far with light (or heavy) weights. I have been using it with bait but I would like to get out for a flick with some plastics. I'd suggest this for a Diawa Reel.

    Cheers Hamish 🙂 

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