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Posts posted by AUS-BNE-FISHO

  1. Hey IlanC

    The Wellington Point Jetty seems like a good spot for jewfish, threadfin, bream, flathead, sharks, whiting and cod. Livies seems the way to go, sinker to suit the run. Use wire if you're going for sharks as well. I'm sure another member on this forum will be a bit more helpful than me 😉 

    Cheers Hamish 🙂 


    Hi Leejin

    In my opinion, it's a great spot. Read the original Nice Session in The Brisbane River This Morning. As it says in the report, live bits caught in the cast net are good, and the fish bit on the low tide (dead low) but I've seen people on Youtube do it on high tide, so I don't think it is very tide dependent, more early morning, late afternoon or night.

    Cheers Hamish 🙂 


  3. Hi IlanC

    Here is the information - 

    The rock wall near the ferry station and the jetty next to Green Bridge all work. I have caught salmon on frozen bait, even on a half frog mouth pilchard on one occasion. (My profile picture was actually caught at the jetty next to the bridge). If you are using frozen bait, source it as fresh as you can and off that jetty you will get sharks, pike, cod, bream and even whiting. Here is Google Maps- 


    There are some rocks on the other side of the jetty (which Google Maps doesn't have) but if you want the exact location, or if any other members want the exact location, you can/ I can PM you/me. I don't mind people knowing it but I don't exactly want the whole world seeing it LOL 😉

    Here is the other side: 

    Wait sorry, it is down left and the other side of the bridge. 


    The rocks are on the other side to the jetty, a bit down from the bridge. If you fish on the jetty you will know what I'm talking about. Once again, if anyone wants to know the exact location, I can PM you 🙂 

    Poddy mullet do work as well as all the other baits listed. Also, please don't tell the whole world about these spots, I know it already has the local crowd fishing but it certainly doesn't need a truckload more. 🙂 

    Hope this helps, 

    Cheers Hamish 🙂 

  4. Hi Poacher..

    With my limited fishing around the Gold Coast, there are some spots I have had some luck.

    I've caught whiting at the spit, I reckon you could get bream and flatties there too. I used sand worm, but I suppose pillies a some small gang hooks with a light sinker/running sinker rig would work well. Prawns would also go to, and if you have a spot to pump yabbies, they should probably work well for everything.

    The Sand Pumping Jetty is an option, and while I've never heard a report that hasn't said "this place is full of people taking undersized fish and is PACKED!", I've heard tailor, bream, kingfish, flathead, whiting and cod coming from it. It seems pillies or live bait are the go there. Though, a kingfish would be pretty rare.

    The Seaway rock wall is a good spot too, check this video Team Madmullet Productions (madmullet) has done on Gold Coast fishing basic for some more tips. They get a range of species on bait, slugs and plastics. 

    By the way

    11 minutes ago, ellicat said:

    There's only a need to post your question once. I have removed the other two threads. Remember this is a forum, not Facebook, and it can take a while for members to respond. 🙂

    Yabbies are a great bait for flathead.

    Pillies  are good for Kingies but I'm not too sure that the Seaway is a great spot to target them.

    Thanks ellicat, I was wondering why it was spammed in the newest posts section 😉 

    Hope this helped,

    Cheers Hamish 

  5. 4 hours ago, Little Grey Men said:

    Enoggera reservoir looks like it would hold fish but I can say that I spent quite a few hours there one morning and tried every lure known to man and didn't get a touch. Beautiful looking place though. 


    25 minutes ago, Luc53 said:

    As far as I'm aware, Enoggera Reservoir has never been stocked.

    The only catchable fish in there may be spangled perch, eels and possibly introduced ferals.

    Hi Guys

    I tried there once in one of those hire kayaks, didn't get anything except weed. I asked the guy who hired the canoes and he didn't know anything, so as far as I'm aware there's probably on catfish, eels and spangled perch.

    Cheers Hamish 🙂 

  6. If i were you, I would. I'd just drop into the local shop and inquire about how bad thieves are, it's really annoying if someone nicks your pot. Maybe put them the opposite side of the creek/system you are fishing so you can keep an eye on them. 

    Cheers Hamish 🙂 

  7. Hi Drop Bear

    Good to have you back on 🙂 Hope you've been well too.

    I don't have any experience fishing around Airlie whatsoever, I'd assume you'd already know but for barra, a fairly heavy leader so they don't rasp through your line, livies or lures, and if you go for reefies use a snapper sinker and some large shank/suicide hooks on flesh bait. If you just want some bream, it'd probably be a standard running sinker rig (assumption) with flesh or caught bait/lures. 

    Cheers Hamish 🙂 

  8. Hi Michael T.

    Read some reports on NPD and it should get you started. Otherwise, Wivenhoe, Somerset, Ewan Maddock and all run off creeks from that should/could hold bass, eel tailed catfish, yellowbelly, redclaw, saratoga, spangled perch and lungfish/mary river cod (BOTH A NO TAKE SPECIES - IF CAUGHT, RELEASED UNHARMED, DO NOT REMOVE FROM WATER)

    Cheers Hamish 🙂 

  9. Hi IlanC

    I have never fished at Toowong before but I can give you a hand. The baits you are going to want to use for shark are the following-

    Mullet, herring, eel (pike and freshwater), bony bream, garfish and and other oily fish you can catch. Catch mullet, herring and bony bream in your cast net. There is no substitute good fresh bait that hasn't been treated badly. If you can avoid the frozen servo station stuff that would be ideal. Some locations where you catch this bait are normally sandy beaches or if you throw a cast net anywhere in the river near lights/jetties you've got a good chance of them and prawns too (I'll get to them later). That's what you're looking for, I'm sure if Toowong isn't snaggy you'd get some too. Pike eels will be caught while shark fishing, if you need some bait they probably would make a heap if you got a decent sized one. Freshwater eels can be caught on any meat or fish in dams, creeks and ponds. Make sure fishing is allowed though, especially if it is a park. You'd probably have a chance of tilapia, bass and eel-tailed catfish in most too.

    For threadfin, that is a different matter. Live baits are key. These also give a good chance of a shark, and here are your best chances. Live banana prawns work a treat though you will also get a lot of catfish if fishing in the Brisbane River. River shrimp work but have the same problem too. You will catch these in an opera house trap or in a cast net. Live bony bream, herring, mullet, winter whiting, garfish and frog-mouth pilchards all can be caught in a cast net. They are very picker resistant and last a long time, especially mullet and bony bream. Frog mouth pilchards are nothing like the ones you see in the servo and they will catch fish. They die very quickly though. As christophagus said, pilchards will not last for long and have very low resistance to pickers (baby bream or toadfish). Try to avoid them for sharks if you can. If you must use a servo bait, which can still very well produce fish, fillet or buy mullet or oily fish. To overcome the service station issue, find good fish at the fish market. Woolies Australian Green Prawns can produce threadfin, and by finding fish market fish you can ensure it is at least going to be a bit more fresh. 🙂  To see if they are fresh, you can look at the eye. If it is grey, they are old.

    The rigs for threadfin and sharks are quite similar, and can be the same. I use a size 6 ball sinker, but I'd use a size 4-8 ball sinker depending on the run. I have 100lb mono leader tied to my 30lb braid mainline, via an albright or shocker knot. While it does slightly hinder your cast, it pays when a fish takes you around structure riddled with sharps. Not only will you save the fish, but you will be able to make sure you can get your tackle back in 95% of times. The hooks you could use are 5-8/o circle hooks, which are ideal for live baits, strip baits and large prawns. Pin prawns through the tail, mullet and winter whiting through the lip, herring, bony bream, garfish and frog mouth pilchards just up diagonally from the eye. Most fish hit there prey head on, so you will get a better hook up rate. You can pin prawns once or twice through the tail. The trace I use is 80lb shock resistant mono, tied from a decent sized barrel swivel.

    Some other locations that aren't Towoong are:

    West End parks

    UQ area

    Storey Bridge Area

    Colmslie Jetty (though very over fished and you'd be lucky to catch something other than people taking undersized fish)

    Kangaroo Point Area

    These are just some spots you can fish every now and then, and as far as I'm concerned you can get all this bait at these locations. Use these rigs and I hope you get onto some good fish.

    Here are some good youtube channels to check out too - 

    Team Fat Flathead

    Team Madmullet Productions

    A couple of these people are members on this site, madmullet and doss are there names.

    I hope this helps, if there are any more questions I can answer I'll try.

    Cheers Hamish 🙂 



  10. Hi Breaming with Bro

    Like kmcrosby78 said, that is very unlucky. I haven't owned one that size but the one i have owned has been going good for 7 years. If you go to the tackle shop/reel repairer, they might have some knowledge on what happened, otherwise another member on the forum might. Did you get any salt water in there, and if you didn't, it might just be a bit stiff because it's brand new or needs an oil/lube. 

    Cheers Hamish 🙂 


  11. Hi rayke1938

    That sounds like a fun little session, good you didn't donut like last time 🙂 

    That site must be pretty annoying too, someone with no brains must've changed that lol.

    Cheers Hamish 🙂 

  12. G'day cid...

    Welcome to the forum. I agree, the weather right now hasn't been ideal. I went out today and didn't do to well either. Good job on the trevally and moses perch though, how'd they fight?

    Fishing in the rain, in my opinion is most effective around river mouths or surf beaches. So if you go there, I believe you will do better. A bit of logic behind this, the freshwater will wash them out around the mouth, and they will be hanging away from the dirty water and in the cleaner stuff.

    Cheers Hamish 🙂 

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